• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • The only thing happening in the industry is the same thing happening in every industry and most of the first world:

    The wealthy owners and executive leader roles have learned that COVID, COVID supply lines, interest rates, ‘consumer sentiment’, and inflation, are all very easy scapegoats that both the public and investors will easily buy as reasons for lowering product quality and availability, while also firing employees, squeezing the non-fired ones to death, and raising prices. This has lead to almost 2 straight years of corporations showing record profits (even adjusting for the inflation that they are largely responsible for in the first place).

    This downward spiral will continue until some force with nearly as much power pushes back.

    This is typically and ideally a representative government in the form of regulation or taxation. But the US government has suffered decades of regulatory capture and congressional gridlock.

    So the only other potential option is a large amount of highly populated unions. Which have to fight against nearly 100 years of media and political demonization and nearly 150 years of ‘american independent attitude’.

    The perfect modern system has all 3 parties; unions, government, and corporations, equally strong and antagonistic. Just as the perfect modern government would have the executive, legislative, and judicial branches equally strong and antagonistic. Neither could be much farther from the case here.

    Stronger bigger unions. Weaker smaller corporations. And a government that actually functions. All are necessary to fix our current shit show.

  • The WAN show is a great option for a one stop shop for broad tech stuff. It is often very long but they add very clear chapters to the youtube video that make it easy to jump to the stuff that interests you. Luke is a software developer/manager so he is fairy knowledgeable in that realm, and Linus is a very transparent CEO of a tech media company, so the coverage is actually very good between the two of them. Just dont expect in depth conversations about RHEL forks and node.js code efficiency and stuff, its very much meant to be consumed by regular tech enthusiasts and not hyper deep code monkeys.

  • “MM: I’d say True Detective comes up a lot. KR: Yeah. I mean, we have many different references, and it’s interesting because me and Sam and [art director] Janne [Pulkkinen] and the narrative team, obviously we all have our favourite different media that we like to consume. But when we were thinking about introducing a new character and we knew that we wanted to have FBI agents investigating these ritualistic serial killings, there were some certain TV shows and movies that we were definitely like “okay, they did this really well”. So the slow burn nature and the kind of buddy cop scenario that True Detective season one had is there, and those kind of ritualistic serial killings were definitely on our mind.”

    I think this is a great sign for the atmosphere and writing direction of the game, but a small part of me wants a decently narrow game that actually plays like True Detective. I guess L.A. Noire is as close as we are going to get with the bloating of game budgets we have seen recently, but still. Regardless AW2 is poised to be a good game.