In countries besides England, spices are used in savory foods too.
It won’t taste like dessert, I promise.
In countries besides England, spices are used in savory foods too.
It won’t taste like dessert, I promise.
Downvoting is harmless disagreement and I won’t interact with any place than bans them because it’s a sure sign of an authoritarian echo chamber.
What’s the exposure surface of this if I have remote access disabled?
He saying he used to be woke?
Cool find, but it can’t live in the middle of the keyboard, and I worry about the driver quality since it’s not from Synaptics like the original.
Only reason I’d still buy Lenovo just went out the window.
You want the big files to live on the NAS, but be navigable from your home dir for convenience and to discourage saving to the local disk.
And make symlinks for large collections, like ~/photos
-> /mnt/nas/photos
God forbid you want to use search exclusion.
Oh, you searched for “some item -plastic”, guess that means you want all these bestselling plastic ones.
Refactoring is always easier.
Both methods really need acceptance tests before you can start, but with refactoring you at least have a working system for the duration of development.
You’re upset that new technology is displacing a 50 year old technology with a ton of well known flaws?
Maybe one of the openings is to help with their stalled ERP software migration.
Contact a human at Shopify and make the asshole design their part of their support costs.
They have the tracking number any by choosing to not email it to you they are requiring their support staff to get it to you by hand.
I’ve only ever used Shop via the web on desktop and it never asked me to install an app.
Mildly infuriating you didn’t say what’s being measured.
You want to ban private sales? Are you for real or do you work for the MLS?
Turns out most people would rather eat than have a smartphone.
You won’t get the next billion until there’s progress on the number living in abject poverty.
Elmo is too cheap to give his customers real door handles when it can be done in software.
Can you install a jailbreak OS, or is that not allowed for “safety”?
Downvoting is not harassment.
Don’t be so sensitive.