• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Here’s the thing: Al-jazeera has always had turns of phrase like this, but they’ve been sprinkled in their pieces to remind and reassure us there are smart people writing who get it. But the name and their focus can tend to be off-putting so they’re ignored by wary whiteys with simpler reading tastes. Ohai.

    With this one, you know they wrote the hell out of it. This viral bit of prose could be them reminding us they’re still relevant. I know I needed that reminder , and I hope they’ll be gentle if they ever realize Canada exists.

  • My old employer used to have people on staff just for technical writing. Some of that writing became the man pages you know, and some of it was ‘just’ documentation for commercial products - ID management and the like.

    Then we sued IBM for breach of contract, and if you ask anyone about it they’ll parrot the IBM PR themes exactly, as their PR work was brutal. People in Usenet and Forums were very mean, and the company decided to stop offering much of the stuff that it was for free. It was very ‘f this’.

    If man pages needed a volunteer to maintain, I know why ours tapered off.