• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Ill add. My now passed grandfather raised me.

    He was a pacifist durimg the second world war. He and many were forced to mine resorces. As they refused to fight. As he was an engineer he was eventually reasigned to other work. Aircraft instrament manufacture at smiths.

    But at no point did he think the UK should just allow germany to take over.

    He just knew he was not able to fight himself. This was a commonf feeling among those conscripted during the second world war. And will always be a risk whe. A mation needs to defend itself from agressors.

    Not all of a nations people are best suited to fight.

  • 6even when recycled the whole process increases the amount of plastics in the air.

    And plastic in general is always going to eventually end up in the enviroment. There is only so many times you can heat and melt plastic before its bonds start to collasps.

    Right from day one recycling was a plastics industries attempt to green wash and delay shut down/ replacement.

    Many better options exist. The only issue is production cost. And that will not improve while corperations continue to use plastic as the cheap solution.

    The industry knew what they were doing when they claimed plastic could be recycled. And need to suffer for the lie that it was a solution to the harm their product dose.

  • Cool. At the time, it was one of the best. Although, I also liked sun-os.

    I also worked with VMS a lot after uni. Hated using it. But had to respect the ideals behind it.

    But watching the growth of Linux has been fantastic. In 2024. It does seem to have out evolved all the others. ( Evolved, defined as developed the ability to survive by becoming so freaking useful. )

    I am starting to think it is time for a micro kernel version, though.

  • Late 1990s my uni had unix workstations HPUX.

    So all projects etc were expected to be done on those. Linux at the time was the easy way to do it from home.

    By the time I left uni in 98. I was so used to it windows was a pain in the butt.

    For most of the time since I have been almost 100% linux. With just a dual boot to sort some hardware/firmware crap.

    Ham radio to this day. Many products can only do updates with windows.

  • I’ll add. Salination of the river is likely a greater risk. But still small.

    As rivers tend to have flow from high land too low. As they enter the ocean. The positive flow (current) prevents the brine area going to far into land.

    Because canals tend to only move water with navigation. At each lock there is less, preventing salt water mixing further up where the canal joins the river.

    Of course this is to some extent expected and modern canals can limit it. Simply by providing a current from the river going through weirs at each lock.

    Exactly as navigational canals used to move water do.

  • Honestly. I assume if they vocally announced an policy. They worried the tories and media would successfully paint it as anti semitic.

    No matter how rubbish that may be. It would be hard to garrentee the media could not manage it. More so after corbyn.

    They likely considered no opinion to be less controversial and risky to the election then taking a side openly.

    Not sure id have agreed if asked at the time. But hard to argue now.

  • Just of the top of my head discovered today.

    Not a GUI as one exists. But a more configurable one as it is crap for visually impaired.

    Rpi-imager gui dose not take theme indications for font size etc. Worse it has no configuration to change such thing.

    Making it pretty much unsuable for anyone with poor vision.

    Also it varies for each visually impaired indevidual. But dark mode is essential for some of ua.

    So if your looking for small projects. Youd at least make me happy;)