Imma block you for this, it’s not personal tho
Imma block you for this, it’s not personal tho
You’re really killing this temet nosce shit
That’s a shitty redditism and it’s completely context-dependent, if the article said she saved a kid from drowning she’d look like a nice person.
If you don’t use cloud backup there’s much better gallery apps
Also, fuck your “a” in that font. I’d punch that fucking glyph in the face if it spoke to me on the street.
Fuck you, Mozilla, it’s uglier and tells less about your core product, which is also the only thing you have that makes people tolerate your other stupid decisions.
Pretty please, fuck off with the AI. It’s really not something I need from a browser, don’t inflate your download size for a screen reader, just MAKE IT OPTIONAL in every way.
Pretty please fuck off Mozilla, I always click on this bullshit in trepidation it’s another mandatory pocket or something, I am actually happy these days when it’s just this milquetoast corporate rolplaying
Embracer could have done a little extending before going all extinguisher.
deleted by creator
The only reason I’m still using Canonical’s bullshit after they tried to kill Unity, tried to force Snap on me and put ads in the shell is because of Rudra Saraswat. His Ubuntu Unity flavor is really good once you remove snapd.
BloatyNosy, thank me later
I don’t upgrade Ubuntu, just unmount home, tar the configs for reference and install the new one. I’ve lost more time in the past to hunting gremlins on an upgrade than doing a clean install and applying my configs.
I like Flatpak and despise Snap (on a personal computer, it’s tolerable on a server) enough to sudo apt remove and purge snapd from a new installation. The startup time is slow and I hate having snaps as mountpoints. It doesn’t help that Firefox is by default a Snap on Ubuntu - it feels as if you’re starting it on a mechanical HD with a Core2Duo processor and you can really appreciate how stupid having such a core app as a browser is as Snap when you add the PPA and install it as a deb package. Don’t even get me started on the asinine “we update when we want to” that makes you restart your browser at most inopportune times. I hate Snap so much it’s unreal.
May you thrive in interesting times