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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: December 16th, 2021


  • Usually I start debugging this type of thing by killing all instances of steam and then launching it from command line. Steam logs a bunch of good stuff and putting it in context of your interactions helps. That said, based on what you’ve described, I would try older versions of proton, targeting releases back when games were launching. Proton/wine versions don’t always work for all games and sometimes you’ll need to launch particular titles with specific versions. Proton has been absolutely revolutionary, but these issues still pop up. ProtonDB might have reports on specific versions for specific games/titles.

  • I was talking about how the corrupt corporations are literally the reason we can’t have nice things. We are on the same side here. I’m just trying to express that “financial interest” is only of interest to capitalists so they can continue to profit from the efforts of common peoples. The point was to shift the discussion from trying to interest someone financially to fostering an environment in which social interest can actually cause movement and development.

  • The problem I am alluding to is the way that “financial interests” means somebody reaping the value from others’ labor. There is more than enough talent, interest and time available to develop robust solutions to hardware enablement if we stop feeding the machine what it consumes today. There is simply no reason that a manufacturer shouldn’t be producing hardware with open specifications to a global market that consumes its product. Additionally there is more than enough revenue that goes to paying people that contribute less than they produce for the hardware purchased by consumers. We fix this by making it illegal to create walled gardens that make us beholden to vendors.

  • Everything was pretty smooth after getting the right GNOME extensions installed for me. In the project wiki there is even an archlinux repo so you don’t need to compile the packages from the AUR. The stylus was the only troublesome part, but like I said, I think my stylus has issues, so I don’t think I can blame it on the Linux setup.

    It was a good time getting the UI tuned in and customized. I had no idea so many good extensions existed for GNOME.

  • I ran archlinux using the software and kernel in that repo for my surface pro 4. It worked great. Additionally I found GNOME desktop to work well, particularly with some extensions like toggles for rotation, on-screen-keyboard and other stuff you’d find on a phone. I also setup pop shell and cosmic for tiling window management, but paperWM might be better for this these days.

    I should not that I had some troubles with the stylus. Sometimes it would work, sometimes not and if I used configuration tools it would sometimes help or sometimes make it worse. That said, I think my stylus is a little screwed up. There is a lot of good info in getting the stylus working and troubleshooting it, you should be able to get it working, for me it was always just a matter of time before I had to fuss with it.