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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023

  • Another one bites the dust.

    I admit it, I once assumed Elon was a genius.
    (events happen)
    Okay, not a genius, but a good businessman.
    (events happen)
    Okay, a bad businessman, a good PR person.
    (events happen)
    Okay, a bad PR person, but not a Nazi.
    (events happen)
    Well fuck, he’s a Nazi supporting conspiracy theorist.

    God damn, if I was that wrong about one person. I’m just gonna stop having opinions about famous people. It’s all smoke and mirrors.

  • stembolts@programming.devtoAI@lemmy.mlWill AIs do drugs?
    4 months ago

    In humans drugs increase brain plasticity by connecting areas that don’t normally connect, giving you the illusion (or glimpse into some true reality, depending on how big of a dose of mushrooms/dmt you’ve taken your view on this may vary) of various things. Visuals. Mental ‘clarity’. Openness. Connectedness.

    So I’d just ask what is the analog of that for LLMs (or AI if you are talking about future technologies that may be discovered). Not sure myself. But it’s an interesting thought.

    I’m not a doctor so correct me if I made a wrong. Ty. I always welcome new info.

  • And the weapon is ideas? If a society has to shield itself from ideas to prevent revolt, then perhaps that society has bigger problems. Patching the hole as a united bipartisan front, when the ONLY things that receives united bipartisan support is corporate interests, kinda gives their hand away. They’re doing this as a desperation move to prevent societal erosion and more importantly, loss of power in media. I think it’s too late.

    Seems like an upheaval, electorally or otherwise, is at hand and this is a desperation move. I don’t expect the patching to prevent the rain, but who knows.

    My interpretation, open to being wrong.

  • stembolts@programming.devtoMildly Infuriating@lemmy.worldJust 2 people.
    5 months ago

    Want to know how I became homeless? I turned 18, and my parents said, “Alright have a nice life, you’re 18 now don’t be home when I get back.” After 18 years of teaching me zero life skills. Took me until my late 20s to find stability, meanwhile being constantly harassed by police for looking for a place to rest between time at school and work.

    And before you go to the obvious speculation that lazy commenters always do. I didn’t and don’t drink alcohol, don’t do drugs, spent all of my time building computers. My parents just didn’t like having to spend money on someone that wasn’t them. I was always in advanced classes in school and most always was a solid B student even with zero home support. If it wasn’t for me winning the genetic lottery with my mind, I’d likely be dead or in prison like most of my childhood friends.

    But you know, this is an anecdote and has no value in the vast scheme of things. Data driven results are all that matter, and yet, they still disagree with your lazy assessment that people are the source of their own situation. Believe it or not, these questions have been asked and answered, yet you remain unaware of them. The safety and support systems in the society you live in dictate homelessness, and I can tell you first hand, we have none in my country.

    But that’s all the energy I can send to you, its not useful trying to teach chess to a pigeon, at the end of the day you’re going to spread your shit around and knock over the board anyway (a summary of your comments in this thread).

    Hope you open your eyes and your mind some day.

    Footnote, if anyone cares about the ending to the homeless part of my story, I became a home owner in my 30s after living in rented rooms with Craigslist randoms for about a decade. Interesting times, most people are great.

  • “They sell more than they can support”

    At that point is where mine and your opinion diverge. In what sustainable business does one sell more of anything than they can maintain responsibility over?

    Of course, there are many examples, but why?

    Greed is why. Don’t sell something you cannot sustain, or you have misled your customer.

    I hope the user finds a way around this and burns all of the data they rightfully purchased. Plan says unlimited. Rename the plan if its a lie.

    Finally, and not directed at the user to which I am replying, what concerns me the most is that this quote I took from your post would be glossed over by most because it is what we’ve come to expect from fucky corps. We don’t have to take it, change your expectations, question the system.

  • My comments are simple, direct. I inject nothing and ask questions about statements. If this is offensive, it is inferred without being implied.

    Let’s address your assertions and questions one-by-one without all the fluff.

    1. A subjectively-observed attitude indicates lack of education.

    2. What does time vampire mean.

    3. You acknowledge an aggressive tone and suggest the next paragraph will contain a shift.

    4. You provide a contextual quote.

    My responses.

    1. Disregard, I draw no connection between attitude and education so choose not to engage, defend, or otherwise.

    2. I’ll admit, this is close to a joke/slang term. Colloquially, time vampire is someone who takes your time as a hobby. Related to “bullshit asymmetry” aka, the amount of effort required to debunk bullshit is always greater than the initial bullshit. Giving the bullshitter infinite ammo to destroy the time of a good faith responder. A vampire takes blood, a time vampire would take time. I am sure you can draw the connection from the above info.

    3. No response required. Clear.

    4. This is where the assumptions go wrong, I do not support neoliberalism. I support clarity of discussion. I responded because I found the initial comment to be misleading, unclear, and poorly framed. On liberalism I have no stance due to lack of education on this topic. Your quote is interesting, I’ll have to read more on this.