Quite possibly a luddite.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I’m currently experimenting with Seppo for my website, which is… not ready yet. So maybe not the greatest suggestion. But development is happening fast, and I like it for a couple of reasons.

    1. It’s incredibly easy to install. Just upload a file, set permissions, and open it in the browser. I’m somewhat incompetent, so I appreciate that even though deploying WordPress is obviously not very difficult either.
    2. Content is stored in basic XML files, making it easy to access with just basic PHP and an XSLT stylesheet. Basically it easy to incorporate posts into your site however you want it.
    3. It federates with ActivityPub, so people can follow your blog directly and get the content directly into their feeds.
    4. It’s lightweight - very little bullshit.

    Basic functionality such as editing and deleting posts does not work yet, so it’s absolutely not ready for primetime. But it’s a project worth following, especially for those of us with an interest in the social web.

    Edit: I guess this would be more if you wanted to create a basic website yourself, and add a tool for content management to it. I read the post a bit too quickly - if you’re not interested in writing some code there are much better options to go for out there. Seppo I think is nice for those who actively want to tinker a bit. :)

  • If you want to crazy with the keyboard, consider switching to Dvorak instead! It’s an investment of course, but you get used to it surprisingly quick and the typing experience is a lot better. As for the function button you can always just remap them to your preference, I don’t see the point in making a fuzz. Most distros are also made with a PC keyboard in mind, not that I know if that matters.

    As for GNOME vs KDE, it’s up to personal preference. I enjoy my GNOME setup a lot, running just a couple extensions to get it just the way I like it. I enjoy that there are very few options and distractions around that I am not interested in. And I of course understand that other people prefer KDE. It’s great that there are two dominant DEs with such completely different design philosophies.

  • I was listening to BBC World Report this morning. They made quick mention of it along with some other things happening in the conflict, then went on to introduce their “expert” who would illuminate the situation.

    Their so called expert was an employee of some Israeli institute of security or whatever, and he talked on for ages with minimal push-back about how the israeli army is doing everything by the book and how “Gaza is safe for civilians, and if it’s not it’s the fault of Hamas”.

    That was all the coverage they did.

    What a fucking joke.

  • It’s a friendly community, and Lomiri is a great DE that people have also gotten up and running on [other distros].

    For the time being it runs better on Android devices than on “pure” linux phones such as the PinePhone, but I have great experiences with it. If you don’t depend on other IM services than Signal you could probably use it as a daily driver on several phones already.

  • I figured there are interesting people out there who don’t really blog often, but who might post something online a few times ever year and whom I’d like to stay updated on. So I started trying to collect some of these relatively inactive personal feeds.

    It’s not ass noisy as following blogs or social media, which is what I like about it. The only drawback is of course that so few people maintain an RSS feed.

  • I can accept that the two officers in the suicide watch were just incompetent fools. And I completely believe Epstein killed himself - the failure is merely that he was allowed to do so.

    But he had already attempted suicide. And the whole damn world was dying for his testimony. Tell any old idiot off the street to watch him to make sure he don’t kill himself, and they’d drink whatever amount of coffee it would take to watch him for a week straight without blinking an eye. Still these idiots manage to hire two morons for the job that cannot be arsed to do the bare minimum.

    If you took the job seriously, considering the information Epstein had and the fact that he had already attempted suicide, wouldn’t you make sure to put officers you knew you could trust on the job? Rather than the two only idiots on this planet who apparently don’t care enough about uncovering a network of child rapists to do even the bare minimum of their jobs?

    Sure, it’s probably just idiots all down the line, and just a funky accident that it ended up serving the interests of the rich, powerful, and morally corrupt. Even so, it just doesn’t sit right with me, and I don’t think it ever will.

  • I know Russians who live in Europe and who are deeply anti war and Putin, but whose families are still completely buying into Russian propaganda and who think their own children are lying to them.

    I also know Russians from less brainwashed families who are critical.

    More strikingly perhaps, I had a friend a little less than a decade ago who went to study in Russia for half a year, and came back completely apologetic for everything Putin stood for. I cut contact and haven’t heard from her since, so I have no idea where she stands now, but it was a forceful demonstration of the propaganda apparatus. It’s not that they’re necessarily evil or bad people, they’ve just been subject to world-class propaganda for decades. Opposing Putin after all that takes quite a lot of work.