Rich people. The cost is rich people.
Rich people. The cost is rich people.
For earnest reasons? 8bitdo does firmware updates to improve stability and latency, and fix features broken when Xbox, or Nintendo update something on their consoles. All using a stand alone app that just phones home and downloads the latest firmware payload for ALL its controllers without any login.
EDIT: You don’t even need the app. 8bitdo’s website has all their firmwares available to download and install as and when you need. The app is so dyslexic fools like me don’t accidentally brick something with the wrong payload.
Microsoft however, may push some bullshit does nothing update simply to make you sign into their app.
God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.
Nothingers! Do we get a secret handshake? A mid range phone, that doesnt feel like a mid range phone. My previous phone was Oneplus 6. Nothing 2a feels like how Oneplus 6 felt right at the beginning, at 30% lower a price. I’m loving the face down light only notifications, and the gesture navigation. Gestures means i can use my one thumb to scroll back and forth easily.
Things always change in the world. Case in point being Lemmy and Federation. Whatever comes after uBO will never be like the same old thing, but we just keep on going forward and fondly remember the nice things we used to have, thanking those that worked tirelessly so we could enjoy those nice things.
Indeed I’m using ubo full on my nothing 2a, and it feels like nothing at all.
It would seem that the ubo lite version was made specifically to cater to chrome and manifest v3 if I’m not mistaken…
In the end the author may have just felt it was too much energy keeping a pared down chrome version on Firefox when the full version is present and working. Especially after this particular drama.
Haha. I would not be surprised if this is truly the case. However I do not believe that it’s as simple as just straight up asking for money.
In his native state of Johor, there was a mega project called Forest City built by China developers that was effectively halted by then Prime Minister Mahathir in 2018. This PM has famously been known to have bad blood with the Johor royal family. My guess is this visit is also to discuss revitalizing this project, allowing China to recoup some of that lost investment.
Traveling with him are both the Minister of Transport and the Minister of Housing, lending some merit to this rumour.
Speaking of evidence, the latest UN report I could find was in August 2022. Direct accounts of 40 individuals from an alleged 1.3 million detained.
I do wish to see a follow up report
The Apple Way.
What I’m seeing is that China’s subsidies create cheaper products that benefit consumers, be it Chinese or the world at large.
Meanwhile American subsidies to American companies benefit their CEOs who then cut themselves an obscenely fat bonus, and fire half their downline staff.
Sadly its a major case of “But all my stuff is here”
Pretty soon the word SLAM is mean “to gently prod in a meek and inconsequential manner”