• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023

  • Even if, we are talking about the Linux kernel. Our entire ecosystem builds upon C. People choosing C for new projects because it is the common denominator.

    If Rust should be adopted in the kernel faster, patches should be send which comment how each line addresses issues of memory management solved and elaborations for rust specific patterns unfamiliar to a C dev.

    Lurkers will pick up Rust that way as well.

    Each Rust dev had to pick it up and therefore should be able to enable other - probably more experienced - Linux kernel hacker to provide reviewable patches.

    It shouldn’t be the other way around, else you are just stepping on the efforts the other human provided to that project.

  • I run debian on an x13s. I would not recommend it if you are an average tux member.

    My recommendation would be to wait for the first devices from manufactures like tuxedo and the snapdragon elite x. And every device may have its own quirks, so wait for reviews.

    It was a hard time. I daily drive it but it still remains unpolished.

    A beginner linux friend of mine had an apple air m1. He ran linux on it but decided to ditch it for a framework. So i assume milage depends on your capabilities. I wouldn’t go that route and instead opted one and a half years ago for that lenovo device.

    It has the best chassis I ever owned but the usability is limited. E.g.: Since Kernel 6.8 I now have to issue su -c “echo start > /some/module/thingy/mode” after each start to get external monitor, sound and battery working. Had to manually research this in IRC logs.

    My two cents.

  • vim is more then simple file editing.

    • netrw (interactive file manager)
    • copen/lopen (windows to connect, e.g. external programs)
    • :global, %s/, etc. which form text manipulation language (from editor ed, I guess)
    • args & argsdo (multi-file editing)
    • filetype (hooks for the user)
    • ctrl_X completion modes
    • motion (fluent & with jumplist to walk forward/backwardl
    • undotree (persisting, unlimited, timebased - on-demand)
    • macros (record and replay keypress)
    • romainl (awesome community member)

    vim for one-time tasks at work. When people are proposing to script something, I open buffers, normalize the data and filter the results. I think in vim and I would very, very much recommend it, if you work with data or are a dev.

  • I can’t honestly recall or put my finger on it what I did wrong.

    Choose fedora because it used my laptop subwoofer and wasn’t a rolling release. I remember each time (x2) reading about how to update the distro and each time my system was completely borked. I went to debian, read upon alsa, made my subwoofer work with a homegrown script and never looked back.

    To this day I am wondering if people recommending redhat are trolls or paid.

  • Graphics driver for sc8280xp are already a thing. There are more issues in convenience daily driving linux, currently. From the top of my head:

    • firmware update path
    • dtb update/loading path
    • no virtualization
    • no universal dock compability
    • missing HDMI/DP features

    I suspect that these issues are common between their ARM chips and will be addressed for both chips almost simultaneously. But I have no real idea on kernel development. And their documentation is only shared with linaro so one can only guess.

  • It is bearable but feature complete. Every month linaro and the community add functionality. The most recent things include a custom power-domain mapper implementation and apparently camera support.

    If you are running wayland you can simply install any os and its working oob.

    The laptops weight and heat production is awesome. Very practical. Also the body is exceptional sturdy and worth mentioning (even in comparsion to a T14, e.g.).


    • external monitors are not detected at boot
    • no hibernation
    • battery time is very depended on the task. It ranges from 4 to 13 hours.
    • no virtualization support, so one is stuck with tiny code generator runtime when using kvm
    • audio is pretty quiet, so depending on the environment an external source is required.

    I followed almost all patches on the lkml. It appears to me that the upcoming chip can benefit from the sc8280xp hugely. It sufficies for my use cases but I promised myself a little better, yet.

  • I disagree naming Flatpak etc. as the reason for more adoption. New users I know of do not know how to search for software and software alternatives in the first place.

    Documentation and engagement on linux just improves by each day. Experiences are shared and people may just be curious. Then there are news about linux breakthroughs by big players like valve.

    Imo a beginner linux distro should prompt on install:

    If you are a potential linux adaptor do not get discouraged. You may have spent your entire life building knowledge for an other operating system. Once you grok the aimed simplicity of UNIX and which parts are involved in your daily tasks you will be at least as efficient as with other operating systems. The most inportant thing: Have fun on your journey and engage in our chats, forums and/or in social media.

    Thank you for your attention.