That first article, though I have read it through a translation app, is truly insane. The judge’s quoted statement is just terrifying:
> « L’ensemble des membres de ce groupe se montraient particulièrement méfiants, ne communiquaient entre eux que par des applications cryptées, en particulier Signal, et procédaient au cryptage de leurs supports informatiques […]. »
Translated via DeepL: > “All the members of this group were particularly suspicious, communicating with each other only via encrypted applications, in particular Signal, and encrypting their computer media […]”.
Clandestine behavior, he says. Is the judge seriously thinking along the lines of “if you’ve got nothing to hide…” and associating ‘clandestine behavior’ to being a criminal? That’s scary.
English language version of the first article (much thanks to
Arch Linux with KDE Plasma
Had previous experience on Linux Mint way back, then Ubuntu. Had Manjaro with XFCE for a couple of years before moving on to my current one.
Moving on to Arch, btw, wasn’t my idea. Someone convinced me to let him have a go at converting my Manjaro installation to Arch. It was an interesting experience, but not one that we would want to go through ever again.