I thought Fedora —> RHEL —> CentOS, but I could be wrong.
Post-human urbanite weirdo.
I thought Fedora —> RHEL —> CentOS, but I could be wrong.
Thanks, appreciate it.
If I’m reading this correctly, CentOS is no longer getting RHEL downstream code, essentially forking CentOS from RHEL. Not great news, but not suprising considering the IBM acquisition.
First word that came to my mind.
Like a sneaker-net, but in space! I like it!
If I had a niche in networking that I specialize in, it would be ‘border security.’ It makes me laugh that everyone in security markets zero trust and CASB and says networks are ‘borderless’ - it’s just not true. I am constantly dealing with borders between ‘fabrics’ and locations. Maybe I’m just a dullard, but I see the niche I am working in only become more important as we move to the cloud and distributed networking and security paradigms.
“See son, now you can use that console to USB cable you got in your stocking!”
Depends on use case. 10Gbps between switches (core, distribution, and access) is fairly commonplace and cheap. Per access to the host… only new access switches have multi-Gig ports (1,2.5,5,10Gbps). Those are expensive and are reserved for wireless APs, IME, as they service more than just a host.
Ya know, it’s sorta funny that this kind of connectivity is what started ‘workgroup’ networks… ThickNet, ThinNet, etc. Ring topology is a good idea until you mix people and their computers in!
So frustrating… I have a fleet of around 40 devices I have to update with coordination of each site.
Might want to check out Salt and Sanctuary.
I hear ya. I had a VeloCloud engineer told me they don’t support wildcard domain names. smacks head
Tell me you’re a provider without telling me you’re a provider.
Funneling the herd into the slaughterhouse.
Holy shit. What a roller coaster. Would read again! 🤓
Woot! Welcome. Love this server. @TheDude is the man.
Looks like 1994 in that shit!
Anything using SNMP, SSH, and NetFlow gets me what I need. Oh, and easy packet captures.
Ha! At home I run a Ubiquiti stack with my lab hung off it (switches, ASA, FortiGate).
Boooom Shaka laka