A software developer and Linux nerd, living in Germany. I’m usually a chill dude but my online persona doesn’t always reflect my true personality. Take what I say with a grain of salt, I usually try to be nice and give good advice, though.

I’m into Free Software, selfhosting, microcontrollers and electronics, freedom, privacy and the usual stuff. And a few select other random things, too.

  • 1 Post
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2024

  • Does anyone happen to know if there is a N100 model that supports HDMI-CEC so I can make my old TV set smart with a recent Kodi and maybe some retro-games? But I’d rather not let it consume 9W or whatever such a machine needs all day long. So it’d need to start and shut down on its own. Preferably without manual additional steps involved, hence the CEC…

  • If you google it, you’ll find lots of similar questions for O2. I think you have to contact their customer support and get that activated once.

    And have a look at your IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Sometimes you can do it via IPv6 already, just not over IPv4 because there is some translation in the way. (In case they want too much money to give you a real IPv4 address.)

    Maybe you can try if you can open your FritzBox UI from the outside with your my.fritz address. I think that has IPv6 and a port forward in place (if activated).

    And btw: It’s perfectly fine to do it. People need storage and online collaboration. Access to their data while away.

  • I met people here on Lemmy who thought Sailor Moon was child porn…

    What was the subreddit? Maybe this wasn’t what you think it is but you were off-topic like they claimed?

    Edit: Ah, seems r/TrueOffMyChest. They’re right in deleting your post. You stated your opinion on the gaming world and that game. TrueOffMyChest say in the first sentence, it’s not about personal opinions. So you posted it to the wrong subreddit. It’s about personal stories (from your life)! So it’s your fault. And they don’t necessarily agree or disagree with you on the facts. It’s just that you spammed stuff somewhere where it doesn’t belong. Nothing else.

  • Oh… Yeah, they’re idiots. And don’t have a clue. I think you should try to ignore them if you don’t plan on dating them. Maybe don’t have them be close friends either.

    In my experience such random bullying is quite common in school. But once your grow up, such things become more rare in the adult world. Your mileage may vary. There are adult bullies and a*holes who like to pick on people. They’ll find something to tease and bait you. Outer appearance is a common and cheap way to do it.

    If you’re still in school: It might become better after that. If not: Congratulations, you met some proper pricks. I hope they’re just some random people you don’t have to interact with ever again.

  • I managed to get the open source call recorder working on a rooted LineageOS device. Seems it doesn’t work without root.

    Beware - recording people without their explicit consent is illegal in lots of countries.

    You could also use an office SIP phone and/or a telephony server (PBX) and a landline which might include recording capability. Or something like Google voice or a business phone provider which might offer email transcripts as part of their service. Or you get the audio via an (emulated) headset. Either cable or bluetooth. But that requires additional hardware. And check if your default dialer has some recording feature. I can enable that when opening the default dialer in the settings. And while in call a “record” button will appear next to “hold”. It’s not automatic though. You have to start a call and then manually record every one. And it might play a beep sound to the other party.

    Recording would be the first step. Without that working, we don’t need to discuss the next steps. But I agree, the next steps would be to chain something like Whisper or FasterWhisper and then an LLM.

    I suppose the next flagship android devices (Pixel?) come with similar features, as Google etc are pushing their AI services and features.

  • Sure. Depends entirely on which instruct tuned model you choose. The official one from Meta has guardrails in place. A community tuned one (like Fimbulvetr, Stheno, …) generally build on the base variant and comes without any guardrails. There are exceptions to the rule, some extend the other variant or some other model. I think Mistral also has censorship. And the big ones like ChatGPT are heavily censored. This also makes it creep into other models if they heavily rely on synthetic data from ChatGPT without mitigating for that. I’m not sure which model you took.

    I really dislike being lectured by ChatGPT, being forced to have an argument with my computer before it does the task I hand out. It’s not a big deal for some tasks like enhancing my mails, but I’m trying to get a bit more creative with AI. And things I really had difficulties with were writing a detective / murder mystery story, writing (lewd) fan fiction and songtexts which I want to generate for Suno. I just avoid all the “censored” models and ChatGPT, because it usually goes on a long tangent and lectures me about murder and why it’s wrong and how you have to consider both sides of a story. Plain refuses to talk about some stuff and won’t touch adult topics. Even if I tell it 10 times that it’s pretty common to write songs or stories about such things.
    I’ve tried several “jailbreaks” and maybe I’m too late to the game, because I found dozens of prompts for ChatGPT and not even one worked for me. (And these are only some examples. I think these tools are also not supposed to give you medical advice, be a lawyer … and I regularly get something trigger the safety mechanisms. But I’m a responsible adult and want to be treated like one.)

    So I just use the Llama models. And I like their tone and way of speaking to me way better. Hence my question if there’s a base model available and I can expect some good community fine-tunes in the future, entirely without refusals and long lectures about ethics. And ideally I’d like to not have it censored and the un-censired and use a degraded version, but an unrestricted one from the community like I used before. (Btw also Meta seems to have improved their approach. Also the newer “censored” versions don’t outright refuse. They’re very polite and try to offer you an alternative. But sadly I want what I asked for and not something else.)

    I think I can answer my question now. There wasn’t much first-hand information available when I first asked. But it seems they have a base variant and an instruct tuned variant available. I’m still not sure if they did something to it, but if they stick to what the term “base model” meant, it should be what I’m looking for.

  • But it’s super annoying when doing storywriting or using it as an agent. And then you have to do detection and extra handling of refusals, circumvent them and write extra prompts. And I think I read some paper that jailbreaking and removing “censorship” tends to make the models a bit stupider. I think in general it’s way more clever to take a model without guardrails and fine-tune it, than to put them in place and then remove them again, degrade the model in the process and also make your life harder. A base model should be entirely without any censorship. (It’s a base model though. It obviously won’t follow instructions or answer questions… It’s the basis for the community to take and fine-tune, aligned with our vision of baked-in ethics or the lack thereof.)

  • I’m not sure if 3-4 times a day is a lot. I had computers (especially laptops) which were way more aggressive with spinning up and down the disks. Maybe you can look it up. A decent (enterprise(?)) hdd should have some datasheet available including info about how often you can powercycle or spin them up/down.

    And I wouldn’t wake up disks deliberately. If you don’t mind the 5-10s waiting, you can just spin them down at the end of the day and leave them that way. The next day they’ll either spin up on first access, or they won’t. And save that one cycle. I’m not sure though if you can change the spindown timeout during the day without also waking it up. I mean you could run a script that spins them down at 22:00 and sets the timeout to 1h, and at 07:30 you run a script to keep them awake for a 6h period. But you’d need to test if changing that setting wakes them up. Or I’d rather not run a script like that. Sometimes executing hdparm spins up a disk, even if unnecessary.