Could you expand on that? What is exceptional about the feature set, and how does e use the desktop differently?
Could you expand on that? What is exceptional about the feature set, and how does e use the desktop differently?
‘not speedy, but ongoing’ - That sounds like E, alright …
Which functionality is that? I haven’t found anything that enters the selected item directly, without having to C-v it afterwards. Besides, the mouse is a thing I want to avoid… I played around with some other functions, however, and I found out that cycling through the history items works fairly well for me.
That’s more or less what I do, but it’s not quite killring’y. The workflow I’m looking for is: paste as usual with ctlr-v, then press some shortcut to replace the pasted with the previous item in the “ring”, without having to go through the backwards process of first enabling klipper, then choosing item, and only then entering it.
But I’ll play around with it some more and see what I figure out.
All that - and then you end up using Gnome?!