-Vimium (install and hit the letter 'f' key. You will immediately understand the appeal if you are a keyboard jockey)
-A Userscript handler (Violentmonkey)
-Dark Reader
-Save to Pocket (I have a Kobo ereader, this extension is a must for reading on the go)
-Ublock if the browser doesn't have baked in Ad blocks.
I love reading the responses to this question.
It’s quite simple. Create a pocket account at https://getpocket.com
Add some articles or Web Serial chapters to your pocket (easier with the Save to Pocket extension)
Add the Pocket account to your Kobo.
Sync your kobo.
It’s such an under advertised feature of the Kobo devices.
Better but personally I don’t like creating accounts on the kobo, would rather do on the desktop: https://help.kobo.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017763753-Use-the-Pocket-App-with-your-Kobo-eReader