
  • 19 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • In the battle of KPI vs Mixed Methods, objective vs subjective, some prefer objective…

    I’m not a PC gamer, perhaps the people who play PC games invested a lot in their rig and expect a studio experience. So they review it and other people realize they are not getting the best experience.

    Nintendo Switch users with NSO might not realize that the software emulation used to run those games suffers from latency, and they will enjoy themselves until someone they trust brings it up and sends them down the rabbit hole.

    I’m currently grinding a game that looks like it was made in 2015 and had a few bugs. I don’t care because it is what I want to play.

    I get what you mean, though.

  • Last week I handed over too much money for a game that I’m now determined to grind until there is nothing left to grind.

    Raiden NOVA

    I might even write a review for it.

    It’s essentially Geometry Wars set in the Raiden universe with a roguelite aspect (other users say it is like Vampire Survivors, but I haven’t played that game). Graphics are (very) dated, but gameplay is satisfying. Main arcade can be beat in about 1.5 hours but if you want all the ships and buffs and achievements you need to commit yourself to grinding over 80 hours.

    Either way, it is one of the few physical Switch games (other than all the flagship Mario games my son loves) that I own and plus it is an import which is neat.

  • I file all of this under “I’ll believe it when I see it.”

    • Qwant has claimed since 2016 that they have an index. That lie has earned them investments and funding. They do not have an index and they’ve said so after the fact. They also give data to Bing. They are not private but they say they are because the data they share is anonymized.

    • Ecosia is just a Bing frontend like DDG. Caron offsets never work. In order for Ecosia to work you need to see and click on some ads, so anybody using adblockers will not be helping. Their servers aren’t green either.

    • This is because Bing is going to raise their prices and now these companies need to lure in new investors to keep the lights on. It isn’t about sovereignty or data privacy; it’s just about money.