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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023


  • vyatta and vyatta-based (edgerouter, etc) I would say are good enough for the average consumer.

    WTF? What galaxy are you from? Literally zero average consumers use that. They use whatever router their ISP provides, is currently advertised on tech media, or is sold at retailers.

    I’m not talking about budget routers. I’m talking about ALL software running on consumer routers. They’re all dogshit closed source burn and churn that barely receive security updates even while they’re still in production.

    Also you don’t need port forwarding and ddns for internal routing. … At home, all traffic is routed locally

    That is literally the recommended config for consumer Tailscale and any mesh VPN. Do you even know how they work? The “external dependency” you’re referring to — their servers — basically operate like DDNS, supplying the DNS/routing between mesh clients. Beyond that all comms are P2P, including LAN access.

    Everything else you mention is useless because Tailscale, Nebula, etc all have open source server alternatives that are way more robust and foolproof to rolling your own VPS and wireguard mesh.

    My argument is that “LAN access” — with all the “smart” devices and IoT surveillance capitalism spyware on it — is the weakest link, and relying on mesh VPN software to create a VLAN is significantly more secure than relying on open LAN access handled by consumer routers.

    Just because you’re commenting on selfhosted, on lemmy, doesn’t mean you should recommend the most complex and convoluted approach, especially if you don’t even know how the underlying tech actually works.

  • What is the issue with the external dependency? I would argue that consumer routers have near universal shit security, networking is too complex for the average user, and there’s a greater risk opening up ports and provisioning your own VPN server (on consumer software/hardware). The port forwarding and DDNS are essentially “external dependencies”.

    Mesh VPN clients are all open source. I believe Tailscale are currently implementing a feature where new devices can’t connect to your mesh without pre-approval from your own authorized devices, even if they pass external authentication and 2FA (removing the dependency on tailscale servers in granting authorization, post-authentication).

  • Not really. The problem with FOSS licensing is that it was too altruistic, with the belief that if enough users and corporations depended on the code, the community would collectively do the work necessary to maintain the project. Instead, capitalism chose to exploit FOSS as free labor most of the time, without any reciprocal investment. They raise an enormous amount of issues, and consume a large amount of FOSS developer time, without paying their own staff to fix the bugs they need resolved — in the software their products depend on. At that point the FOSS developer is no longer a FOSS developer, and instead is the unpaid slave labor of a corporation. Sure, FOSS devs could just ignore external inputs, but that’s not easy to do when you’ve invested years of your life in a project. Exploiting kindness may be legal, but it should never be justified or tolerated.

    Sure, FOSS licenses legally permit that kind of use, but just because homeless shelters allow anyone to eat their food, and sleep in their beds, that doesn’t make the rich man who exploits that charity ethically or morally justified. The rich man who exploits that charity (i.e. free labor), and offers nothing in return, is a scummy dog cunt; there are no two ways about it. The presence of lecherous parasites can destroy the entire charity; they can mean the difference between sustainability and burnout.

    FOSS should always be free for all personal, free, and non profit use, but once someone in the chain starts depending on FOSS to generate income and profit, some of that profit should always be reinvested in those dependencies. That’s what FOSS is now learning; to reject the exploitation and greed of lecherous parasites.

  • I believe this is what some compression algorithms do if you were to compress the similar photos into a single archive. It sounds like that’s what you want (e.g. archive each day), for immich to cache the thumbnails, and only decompress them if you view the full resolution. Maybe test some algorithms like zstd against a group of similar photos vs individually?

    FYI file system deduplication works based on file content hash. Only exact 1:1 binary content duplicates share the same hash.

    Also, modern image and video encoding algorithms are already the most heavily optimized that computer scientists can currently achieve with consumer hardware, which is why compressing a jpg or mp4 offers negligible savings, and sometimes even increases the file size.

  • The problem is a lack of emphasis. Apple routinely completely ignores basic features and UXD in their apps, for years. If you don’t want to use an app in the exact rigid structure they want you to, you’re gonna have a bad time.

    That’s why I only use a handful of Apple apps — the apps that have no possibility of vendor lock-in, and can be instantly replaced on any other OS (e.g. calculator — which also fuckin sucks for anything beyond basic arithmetic).

  • It was never a reasonable timeline. Modern history is essentially the present population waking up to the crimes of past (and present) generations, including their direct ancestors.

    Israel was created by colonial states committing colonial-minded crimes, during the near-total collapse of colonialism immediately following WW2. England had assumed control of “Mandatory Palestine” after the Ottoman Empire fell with WW1. Through the League of Nations — dominated by colonial powers, like the UN is to this day — they essentially annexed land they had no legitimate ownership of, denying the population of Palestine their basic human rights to democracy and self determination, and gifted it to millions of refugees who were not even born in that location, and held no reasonable claim to that land (beyond ancestry from hundreds/thousands of years ago, that never made up more than a minority of the people who lived there).

    It would make more sense, and be more logically and legally justifiable, to give the USA, Canada, and Australia to their indigenous populations in 2024 — who 100% owned those lands up until the last few hundred years — than to give Palestine to the Jewish population in 1946.

    Similar crimes happened in South East Asia and Africa post-WW2. For example France trying to militarily reclaim Laos and Vietnam (backed by the USA). Both the Vietnam war and Cambodian genocide may have never occurred if those countries were allowed to implement legitimate democracy.

  • Notice how you’re angry at the people who released the info instead of the people who were corrupt and deplorable? PsyOps mission accomplished!

    My understanding is that, while it’s likely the source of those leaks was Russia, it’s never been proven wikileaks withheld info about Republicans. I’ve seen the claims dozens of times, but never the evidence, so please share if you do… Otherwise, it’s insane to hate a journalist for withholding information they don’t have, just because it hurts your preferred political party.

    EDIT T+2hrs: 35% downvotes and zero replies or supporting evidence. FYI I asked the same thing on Reddit about a dozen times over the last decade, and the result was always the same — If your position is “I can find no evidence for my claims, and don’t know why I hate WikiLeaks or Assange. I just do.” then you’re probably a psychological warfare victim…