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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2024


  • Great tactic, clearly your posts show you are a racist, fascist genocide supporter. Because your entire existence is so tenuous, you resort to making outlandish claims as the basis for your “argument” and then criticize others for somehow sticking to reality.

    Note how your all-powerful “quote” is the literal opposite of what the original commenter posted, yet you use it as a platform to attack.

    Pathetic, but what do you expect from .world.

  • McDonalds in developed nations such as East Asia or Western Europe will generally taste much better for the same relative cost.

    This is because the US has much, much weaker food regulations than other developed countries and allows all kinds of additives, treatments, and substitutions that are straight up banned in other nations.

    This is why Americans tend to rave about the food whenever they travel internationally. Like, no sweetie, your country just allows businesses to feed you carcinogenic slop for luxury prices.

    1. The USPS is objectively profitable
    2. The reason they posted a loss is because a 2006 bill mandates the USPS to fully fund all employee pensions 75 years in advance. There are full retirement accounts sitting around for employees that aren’t even born yet.
    3. Even then, reliable postal service to all addresses in the country is a basic expectation of the government of the most powerful and wealthy nation in the history of human civilization.

    The fact that you start with the premise that the USPS should somehow make profit off being a public service is a self report that you are here in bad faith.

    Why are you spreading right wing propaganda?

  • As someone who slaves away at a company measuring revenue in billions and authorized to procure $1MM per year (seriously, not a humblebrag. Companies shit money)….

    lol. Every company right now is driving straight off a cliff with their foot on the pedal. Who cares about next year when we can squeeze more profit now?

    Welcome to late stage capitalism. Or if you prefer, late stage industrialization. The rulers aren’t as dumb as we like to think. They know nothing will remain of society in 50 years due to climate change and resource scarcity.

    Might as well squeeze it for everything left and f… off to their little apocalypse mansions in geologically stable areas.