Our News Team @ 11 with host Snot Flickerman

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2023


  • I am tired of the world pretending only the people who invest money are “invested” in a workplace.

    Your example here is what I am speaking of.

    We invest our lives in a workplace, with the hope that our labor will make the workplace succeed in the marketplace. It is an investment: of our time, of our effort, and thought.

    When the business fails or decides we aren’t worth it, they are ignoring the investment we made in learning how the business works and doing our best work.

    We are turned to the streets, nevermind the effort and investment we went through. No, because we didn’t bring money to the table none of that counts somehow even though we did all the real labor that make the business function. Labor the “invested” couldn’t do on their own, no matter how much money they had.

  • Unpopular Opinion: The last few hardware generations have had diminishing returns while increasing the cost of being a PC gamer drematically. While the DOOM games are generally well-optimized, I just upgraded my whole ass system after 8 years just two years ago and I’m hitting minimum specs to play the new DOOM game at all. Same with Indiana Jones, same with STALKER 2, same with Alan Wake 2.

    Of course, we also went from 8gb of video RAM being more than enough to needing fucking like 16-24gb as a standard somehow.

    Seriously, the rig I bought to play fucking Bioshock Infinite kept up for about 8 years. I know I didn’t go all-out in building my machine but I didn’t 10 years ago either when I put my old box together. Honestly current machine feels way more high-end than the one 10 years ago did.

    Anyway, kind of feels like a rip-off by the industry to me, and this is the same industry that is pushing for GTA 6 to cost $80-100 because they’re not making enough money somehow.

    Basically, even if you have a 4090, the stutters and poor fps still exist due to the way the game is designed.

    In a way, it’s like being back in the NES days all over again. Sometimes the game itself would just push the hardware too much and it would slow down. This shouldn’t be happening at all in this environment, it’s a joke. It goes well beyond just positive reviews for this kind of stuff.