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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


    1. Power lines are not superconductive, there are always losses when electricity is moved long distance
    2. You sidestepped my point and went on a tangent
    3. Again, there are losses when electric energy is converted into other types - pumped storage requires large reservoirs, and you’re basically making ineffective hydro.
    4. I never stated that renewables are easier to maintain than nuclear, just that the monetary and enviromental cost of maintenance is swept under the rug by anti-nuclear zealots.
    5. Again, renewables have a reliabilty problem that cannot be handwaved by "just move the power somewhere else.

    Judging by your sneering tone, I doubt you’re going to be receptive to any further points.

  • You forgot:

    • Not able to provide energy during the night/calm days
    • Not energy dense - require enormous amount of land that can be put to better use
    • Rely on battery storage - huge fire and explosion hazard
    • Need to be replaced and serviced much more often - the lack of density means that repair and maintenance crew have a lot of ground to cover
    • Energy output wildly fluctuates due to weather conditions.

    Renewables have their place, but they cannot sustain the entire grid. At this point, going all in on renewables means either prolonging fossil fuel usage, or condemning vast swaths of the population to brownouts and energy poverty.

  • Like if I put $200,000 into a piece of work I need to have some guarantees.

    That’s called investing, and guess what, sometimes you lose on investments. If you want guaranteed income, you can be a salaried employee.

    I can’t put years of my life into a project that I need to make money off of, give it out for free and hope for donations. That’s insane.

    If the end goal is monetization, then say so upfront, don’t worm your way into communities and start hawking your wares. Again, not everything needs to be a profit making machine, volunteering, donations and non-profits exist.

    You know, people who do it for a living, who’d like to eat food and be independent rather than being stuck in some dreary ass company or under the thumb of Google. Ever consider that?

    Your personal ambitions are not a concern of me, or anyone else. You sound like the Lemmy community is putting a damper on your dreams of making it big (it’s never just about putting food on the table,right?). Maybe we want a place where we can talk to each other and not have ads shoved into our faces, like on every other platform?

    If you want to set up a commercial based instance, go ahead, just don’t be surprised if you don’t recieve a warm welcome.