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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • It’s fine, OP - English is my native language and it irks me some, too, because It was a subject in school that I did really well in and tutored other students.

    I’ve come to accept the fact that most folks will always say ‘less’ regardless of the context, I’m guilty of it at times, and at the end of the day it’s not a big deal. But I’m sorry you’re getting the reaction that you are.

    My husband and I were actually discussing this a few days ago when I corrected him, again, but at this point it’s more of a running joke between us and he laughs (he is the only person who I ‘correct’ because it is a joke and he finds it funny; I’m not being an asshole when I do it and he knows that).

  • Surprised it already hasn’t tbh.


    If the strikes drag on, shortages could push vehicle prices higher and strain an economy already bruised by inflation.

    Cue the “but I was thinking about maybe potentially kind of buying a new car next year, and this will either make it more expensive or force me to wait” BS

    Note: I’m not referring to underprivileged folks whose current vehicle craps out/is stolen and they’re in desperate need of a new method of transportation. I’m talking about folks who are either in no danger of losing their only vehicle &/or can easily obtain a new one and are whining about nothing more than minor inconvenience.

    And let’s not forget how embarrassing the state of public transportation is in the US. We basically pretend it doesn’t exist and is impossible to achieve, thus forcing those who live here to have access to some sort of private automobile.

  • Starting in 2007, workers gave up cost-of-living raises and defined benefit pensions for new hires. Wage tiers were created as the UAW tried to help the companies avoid financial trouble ahead of and during the Great Recession. Even so, only Ford avoided government-funded bankruptcy protection.

    Many say it’s time to get the concessions back because the companies are making huge profits and CEOs are raking in millions.

    That’s the problem with agreements like this - workers concede because it’s an emergency type of situation, but when things get back to normal it’s never revisited. As a result, the workers have suffered the repercussions of their “emergency time concessions” for 16 years while the companies reap the benefits of their employees’ sacrifice.

    This has to be successful…I feel like it will set a precedent going forward regardless of the outcome. Let’s hope it’s positive. Solidarity!

  • I saw the fence wire and don’t get me wrong - that is fucked up in its own right, but from the image, it looks like that’s partially on land, so drowning shouldn’t be as much of a concern as if you’re in the middle of the river and can’t grab onto one of the buoys because of saw blades.

    Please, don’t get me wrong - it’s fucked up. It’s all so very fucked up. But if the current is fast and someone needs to hold on to a buoy to avoid drowning but can’t because of a saw blade, that’s just……a whole other level of fucked up.

    And as a woman who lives in Texas, fuck Greg Abbott and the assholes who enable this and him and their “owning the libs” attitude and mentality that drives them to continue their continuous patterns of behavior that do nothing but hurt actual people who are very vulnerable.