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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • There are a few things that have stood out to me so far.

    Some smaller things:

    • Food doesn’t rot.
    • There are no feasts, which were a good oppurtunity to improve relation with a lord/lady.
    • There are less options when camping.

    Some bigger things (to me anyway):

    • The courtship system was significantly reduced, basically just a few speech checks where you know the exact % chance of failure/sucsess, then purchase them from their highest ranking clan member.
    • The npc compainions don’t feel as unique as in Warband, and I find myself almost always skipping through their dialogue. Maybe this is just my run but I have only had one instance of a companion taking issue with my actions.
    • You can’t really start as a nobody anymore. In Warband you could serve as a soldier in someone else’s army and work your way up the ladder, it made for a harder path to becoming a vassal and an interesting early game. In Bannerlord you can start as someone who didn’t have noble parents, I did, but this part of the game just felt less fleshed out.

    I haven’t quite started my own kingdom yet, I want to spend some more time as a vassal. But I have heard that kingdom managment and diplomacy feel unfinished to many. I guess I’ll have to see this for myself.

  • Spelunky 2 - $20. One of my all time favorites here. Over 200 hours in, don’t regret any of them. I could easily double my playtime without seeing everything.

    Dark Souls 1 - $30(?). Back in my teen years on the 360 I bought Dark Souls without knowing anything about it. I played through it with a buddy, passing the controller on death, and we had a blast. That first run transcends money for me, I would pay anything to keep that memory. Recently that same buddy and I replayed the game together and are now reworking our way through the series.

    Racingmaybe - $3. This game is amazing. It’s a turn based drag racing game with an upgrade system. This is the best driving game I have ever played, far and away. It’s a hobby project by a solo developer. At it’s $3 price point this game is well worth the money. Seriously, if you’re reading this, buy it. Or drop your Steam name and I will gift it to you.

    Mount & Blade: Warband - $20. This game is really starting to show its age but I still love it. Endless mod potential gives it tons of replayability.

    I could go on forever but these ones came to mind first.

  • Here’s a script from GPT4:

    # Create a temporary file for storing file checksums
    # Generate MD5 checksums for all files in the current directory and its sub-directories
    find . -type f -exec md5sum '{}' \; | sort > $tempfile
    # Detect and delete duplicates
    awk 'BEGIN {
        lasthash = "";
        lastfile = "";
        if ($1 == lasthash) {
            print "Deleting duplicate file: " $2;
            system("rm -f \""$2"\"");
        } else {
            lasthash = $1;
            lastfile = $2;
    }' $tempfile
    # Clean up
    rm -f $tempfile

    This script can be run with Termux from the root of your internal storage. Usually /sdcard or /storage/emulated/0. Do not confuse this with running from root if you are rooted.

    Before using a script that interacts with your files you should backup anything that is important just in case.

    Furthermore, if you comment out:

    system("rm -f \""$2"\"");

    By adding a # in front of it like this:

    # system("rm -f \""$2"\"");

    You can run the script and see what files the script would delete without actually deleting them. I would recommend doing this as I have not tested this script.

  • I’m waiting for patches, mods, and a sale before playing Starfield, but it did get me thinking about space games, which led me to purchase KSP. I’m really loving it. I used to play a game called Spaceflight Simulator until the dev fucked over the entire player base that supported him since his game released. That game was basically the same concept as KSP in sandbox mode but in 2D. Making the jump to 3D graphics/physics has been really cool, and I’m glad to have filled the hole in my heart SFS left.