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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Yeah, I thought it was pretty okay! I ended up getting about halfway through, I think? I got caught by the monster a couple of times when he randomly decided to pop up, and I somewhat shifted from “this is spooky” to “I’m just avoiding this road block”

    It’s super tricky because I don’t know how to keep myself immersed in the experience for a lot of these titles.

    I did enjoy the fact that they tried something new with the bunker. I thought it was probably the closest I got to being scared since the Dark Descent, so I think that says something for sure.

    I think I’ve been exposed to too much horror, which might have dulled the experience somewhat. I really enjoy hearing about what/why people enjoyed horror games, so I don’t think your point was moot! I think horror is a very unique genre that pushes game design to its extremes in a lot of ways.

  • I really liked Outlast when it first released. Outlast 2 was pretty good as well. I think the tricky part is if you die or mess up too many times in horror games, the fear gets dulled.

    I don’t recall layers of fear creeping me out much, but I haven’t tried the second yet. Definitely worth a shot

    I find Amnesia titles don’t do it for me anymore. I think maybe I played too much and got too familiar with how the AI works. I’ve peeled back the curtain, so to speak and ruined them for myself, aha.

    I really liked alien isolation when it first came out. I thought it was a very cool take on horror. The AI seemed super impressive

  • Oh man, absolutely anything to make me feel dread or have me not knowing what to expect. Which is vague, I know. I feel like I’ve played so many horror games that they start to feel too gamey? If that makes any sense? It’s like I can predict when scares will happen or the gamey aspects sometimes don’t immerse me.

    Oddly enough, subnautica really had me on my toes a few years back. Fatum Betula was an indie that also gave me some heeby jeebies but wasn’t exactly scary either.

    I feel like I’ll probably need to crawl through dozens of indie titles or something. Or possibly go back to titles made prior to 2005. I’m also not caught up on recent games in the past couple of years, so maybe there’s something special I’ve missed.

    But I’m also just curious to hear what made everyone else scared, too!