This is so cool!
This is so cool!
The only thing I don’t like it stolen artwork/voices/identities being used.
I also don’t like how I have to now hyper analyze everything I see and hear as an additional step to confirm if I’m seeing something legitimate or if it’s someone trying to mislead people.
I think my favorite parts of these tools are translation and simple word editing. Being able to prompt it to assist with various logic problems can also be nice.
So I feel conflicted. I guess like with any tool, it can be used properly or improperly
Yea totally! I actually really like when developers can do that. I think when artificial (or genuine) limitations are placed on art, projects or whatever, it can make them turn out to be better than if you had full freedom.
There’s a fine line between creativity and laziness that shouldn’t be crossed. But when it’s done really well I think it’s super cool
I’ve been trying to work my way through them. I’ve currently finished 0, 1, and 2. I played 0 twice, though, and will likely end up playing it again, lol.
I’ve been finding it difficult to get through longer games recently. Mainly because I only play them on the weekends. They keep releasing one every year or so which is also crazy. It feels like they are just pumping them out now, so I’ll likely take another 3-5 years before I get through them all.
I really enjoyed how zero let’s you explore. It feels like they took their time to model each area as close to real life as possible. I don’t know how true that is, but from the photos I’ve seen, it seems that way. I really liked shenmue 1 and 2, and these games feel like the closest thing I’ll ever get to that experience again.
I have been playing fortnite. And I’m kinda digging it. I completely despise their monetization, but I’ve been enjoying the gameplay loop. It’s a solid Battle Royale game. I find the pacing is pretty good in terms of how long you wait to engage other players.
I also like that they update it semi frequently. Usually, I don’t* like when games do that. But the core fundamentals stay the same while the extras (like the map and weapon/tools) change.
I didn’t think I would ever enjoy it.
I’ve also been playing Persona 3 Reload, and sniper elite 5. Both of those are pretty solid too. Sniper elite 5 felt weird at first because the game felt extra punishing until you unlock more options for stealth. I might have been playing it wrong.
Persona 3 reload is fun, but I feel like the two styles of gameplay don’t exactly mesh perfectly? They just don’t feel like they’re as robust as I want them to be (but the game has a decent amount of depth so idk how they would do that without overwhelming the player). I realize the game is a remake of an older title, though, so I’m assuming it’ll just get better as the series progressed.
This seems like a fundamental failure in education systems. People need to be taught how to research and find accurate information for themselves. I know when I was in school, we did that, but I have doubts that it’s being done globally or properly overall.
This just seems like weird censorship/control to me. Unless they can come forward with hard evidence that TikTok is working for the Chinese government.
I just think of all of the actual hateful and concerning websites out there that stay up and nobody blinks an eye.
I’ve never used TikTok and I don’t really like what I’ve seen from it, but a ban seems unnecessary
That’s very interesting. I’m not sure, to be honest.
I had assumed it was the weight as it feels heavy after a while. But it could be due to the lack of a secure grip with the joycons. I know the 3ds had similar issues where, after a while, it didn’t feel comfortable either. But I felt like I could use it much longer.
I didn’t realize valve went through so many iterations. That’s a really cool image. I’ll have to see if I can find better shaped joycons when the switch 2 releases and see it that helps
It looks pretty cool! It might be too big for handheld. I get sore from the regular switch. But I’m excited for new games. Just gotta wait a lil longer
Dude high five. I have big hands, but even the regular switch feels uncomfortable after an hour or so. I have no idea how people are managing with the steam deck.
I was sad to see the new switch is larger lol. I’ll never use it handheld. It really makes me wish they just made a lighter NEW 3dsXL with better hand grips. They could call it the NEW NEW 3DSXL.
Usually, when it comes to these kinds of upgrades, I either do one of two things. If the two consoles can play together, I usually will keep the second. With Nintendo consoles, I will keep one and sit on it (usually until the next generation) and then mod it.
Or alternatively I’ll once in a blue moon, sell it to someone else for a fair price. It can help offset the cost of the new thing, and you know that your old device is still going to get used by someone else who can appreciate it.
Something tells me that with a name like Flashes, there’s going to be a lot of flashing on it
All the more reason to leave anything Facebook related.
Was this the game where the developer made the game less fun a few years ago? I can’t trmember what the issue was but it was something to do with a car crashing into you or something?
This kinda thing bothers me. As someone who isn’t familiar with the area, I could easily take a quick glance at that photo and think it was real too.
I love that meme lol
It was some weird stuff with the screen and audio issues. Probably weird software issues that were fixed with a patch.
This video isn’t the best example as it cherry picks and nitpicks a bit. But there’s some examples of the weird issues too.
I actually don’t know how widespread the issues were or if they were overblown, but I remember seeing them pop up for the first couple of months after release. I didn’t really hear about any problems after that, so I don’t really know.
My assumption is that the likelihood of these issues repeating is very slim. They probably based the software and hardware off of the existing switch, so I would think it would be less buggy and more refined, but I guess we’ll have to see.
I’m actually super curious how easy/hard it’ll be to grab a console at launch. I’m also very curious if the switch 2 will have a stable launch without any weird launchday bugs like the original had.
I’m curious once translation technology advances if one day we’ll get some kind of cultural bubble “pop” where suddenly everyone can enjoy global media without the language barriers.
Looks like EA found it already. Damn.
I hate when companies rerelease games in a worse state than the originals.
I was just thinking about going and finding the originals, but of course, the new rerelease is the only thing available to purchase. Is the “athletic lady” site the still the go to place? I have not gone sailing in quite some time