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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 29th, 2023


  • “No one from the State Department or anyone back in America has contacted us,” she added.

    “It is frustrating to be American citizens…being shot at by weapons from our own country,” Vivi said. “Having seen the response after multiple settler attacks, after Amado [Sison] got shot, and now [Ayşenur] has been killed, and there’s been really no condemnation of Israel from the top — I don’t know. It feels like they just don’t care about Americans at all.”

    Yeah but Harris lied about it being an accidental ricochet bullet to cover for israel. So her family should be happy Aysenur’s killing got a shout out from the Genocide administration.

  • These carriers were sent after israel assasinated the Hamas leader Ismael Haniyeh in Iran. Israel called in big bro Biden to protect them after they start bullying other countries. Israel was likely hoping that Hezbollah and Iran would launch their retaliation soon after so Biden had an excuse to start a war on Lebanon and Iran.

    But Iran has not yet responded to israel’s attack. Iran has been extremely well calculated during this Genocide making sure not to get baited into attacking at an inconvenient time.

    Aircraft carriers cost a massive amount of money to keep around, and them being in the Middle East meant they could not be elsewhere. So Iran’s best move was to just wait for them to leave.

    Now the question still remains whether Iran will actually respond to create deterrence again. After all some time has passed and tempers have lowered. But if Iran doesn’t retaliate israel will just bomb them again in the future knowing Iran won’t do anything back.