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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • Your assumption of what the graph displays is wrong. Yes, it lacks a lot of information and the post could have clarified more.

    But at the bottom of the graph you can see that the x-axis is years. Which is a strong indication that this graph displays the life expectancy of latin american countries. Whicha quick goolge seems to confirm. And it shows that El Salvador ranks poorly even amongst them. Since most migrants move to a country for a better life, the pool of countries that El Salvador can pull from is rather small.

    But that obviously misses the point that many people who would move to El Salvador on using this opportunity either move there to help improve the situation for the average person. Or at the very least would have enough money to afford a better lfiestyle and not be affected by the average life expectancy. Which obviously is going to be low for a country that suffers from poverty and gang violence as El Salvador does.

    So the “general” assumption of migrants moving to a “better” countries doesn’t quite apply here.

  • I don’t understand this. I am totally happy for the guy and he obviously deserves it. It’s a total dick move to fire someone so close to their retirement but the law is still very confusing.

    His contracts totaled 8 years which would make him eligible for the conversion but the article says he was just short of the 5 years. Does the law only considered contracts signed after the law passed? If so isn’t the entire point of the 5 year duration that employers can terminate the contract just before that time?

    Do you manually have to apply to convert the contract to indefinitely after 5 years and if you don’t you don’t get the benefits? In which case again, why did he receive the “special” treatment?

    I have way more questions than answers after reading the article.

  • In BG3 encumbrance is so pointless. The increased carry capacity and reduced armor weight make it a non-factor. The few times you actually reach it you just sort by weight and send some of the heavier stuff to camp. You can even do it during combat. So they should have just gotten rid of it. You are bringing all your resources at all times anyhow and the inventory manamgent is still terrible.

    The current system is just a minor inconvenience because you will have to go to your camp when you reach a vendor and want to get rid of some of the extra stuff. I would much prefer it if they either stick to the base rules, with base weight values and encumbrance starting at 5x the strength value. Then one would have to make actual decisions on what to bring. But right now, even with 8 strength you never have any issues. Or they just get rid of it.

    And that’s how I feel about encumbrance in general. Most games have such absurd high carry limits that the system doesn’t add anything and just becomes an inconvenience and annoyance.

  • It’s not the standard, it’s just something that started to pop up in some university courses. Anything before that we usually are just graded 1-6/A-F. But even 15 years ago when I attended University there were a few courses that required a 70%+ for passing and what I have heared this has become more common. It’s basically to weed out people and reduce the number of students since university is usually free.

  • I blame the school grading system for it. 70% and below is already a failing grade in many courses. So by extension anything that gets rated 7 or below is asscoiated with failure.

    I am not from the US, so I don’t know how long this grading system has been in use there but here in Central Eruope that’s a rather new thing. That’s why a 5/10 didn’t feel as bad 20 years ago while today a 7/10 feels worse.

  • Gaming laptops aren’t a scam, they fill a niche. For people like me they are the best option available. I travel frequently and then stay there for usually a few months before having to travel again. So a desktop doesn’t work for me at all. I need a decent computer for work. Most business laptop that fill my needs are also on the heavier side. The ones that are portable usually have integraded gpu’s, which just doesn’t work for me. So the step from business laptop that fills my needs to gaming laptop is minimal.

    All of the drawbacks of a gaming laptop are barely affecting me. And while this seems like an edgecase, there are a lot more people who have needs that a gaming laptop fulfills and can’t be met by other devices.

  • I can recommend the Acer Nitro 5 series. Have it for a few years now. The main drawbacks are

    Portability - You will run into this issue a lot with gaming laptops. But the Nitro series is probably one the lower end when it comes to portability. Especially if you go with the 17 inch screen. It’s heavy and big.

    Speakers - the newest series apparently upgraded them, but the one I have has terrible built in speakers. I use a headset anyhow while playing. So doesn’t concern me. But it just can’t be used to watch movies together in bed.

    Fan noise - It can get very noisy, especially during gaming session. If you are using a headset, you aren’t noticing it. But it can be distracting to others in the room.

    Batter life - It’s just bad, even if you aren’t gaming. But again, while playing you are usually plugged in anyway.

    Overall none of the big issues affect me. But could be a dealbreaker for others.

    The big pros:

    Available in 17 inch - which was a must for me.

    Decent cooling - Just make sure you get a 2021 or later model.

    Easy to upgrade internal storage & ram - you can put 2 additional SSDs inside. And even upgrading the ram is super easy. This also means they aren’t charging absurd amounts for upgrading the stock variant from 256gb to 512 or even 1tb.

    Performance for the price - It’s not a end of the line model but for the price you will get decent performance.

  • I don’t think it matters nearly as much as the article makes it sound. Especially since multiclassing is super viable in 5E and BG3 removed all kinds of requirements for multiclassing and even allows you to respec. Meaning even multiclass combos that struggle if played out at level 1 can just be recreated later. And that means you can recreate the toolkit of a Bard fairly easily and focus more on the aspect you actually enjoy.

    I think any class with ritual casting is going to feel very rewarding in your first playthrough, assuming you don’t forget to utilize it. So you have Bard, Cleric, Druid, and Wizard, and Arcane Trickster and Eldritch Knight. But even any class with just cantrips are already going to give you a lot you might not be used to from other RPGs.

    The only class I wouldn’t recommend for the first playthrough might be Paladin. The oath just limits your choices in certain situations. And while you could break your oath and become an “Oathbreaker”, I personally don’t feel this is the best for the first time playing. I think being able to explore all options available without having to consider your oaths makes for a better first-time-playing experience. But Paladin is on the list for my second round.

    Edit: I forgot that BG3 made changes to Arcane Trickster and Eldritch Knight, they can both also ritual cast. In general, there are a lot of changes made that make the game way more open and allows you things to make it fun.

  • No, not really. They are a few years too late with their conclusion. The topic of US military dependency came up a couple of years ago and the EU decided to take steps against it. And with the invasion of Ukraine, this is only taken more seriously and urgently. The article also doesn’t bring up that many points. Only

    The paper also compared Germany’s previous unwillingness to send Leopard tanks to Ukraine unless the US agreed to provide its own M1 Abrams vehicles to the behaviour of “a scared child in a room full of strangers [who] felt alone if Uncle Sam was not holding its hand.”


    “encouraging European nations to ban Huawei sales in Europe”

    Germany has been hesitant on taking a leading position in anything military due to history. And taking the step of becoming more involved in a war wasn’t that simple. But again, they came around and acknowledged that they have to.
    And trying to argue that restricting the sales of technology that most likely is used by the Chinese government to spy is a rather weird way of saying it’s becoming a vassal of the US.

    And then the article only goes on about how the word “Vassal” is triggering people. So I don’t see the good points you are talking about.

  • I think that article is mostly clickbait. So much speculation going on and the comparison to Afghanistan is such a stretch. There is no sign of war exhaustion in the west. People might lose interest in following the conflict because it slowed down but Russia is such a big enemy in the minds of people that sending more equipment can go on for decades before voices grow to stop it.

    And the fear that any peace that Putin can celebrate as a victory would only be a temporary peace is still very imbedded into the mind of many Europeans.

  • Freelancer just got everything right. First and foremost are the controls. Combat is just so much fun because of it. It might not be the most strategic combat system, it might not be the most realistic, but boy is it fun. It’s responsive and immersive, the weapons feel great to shoot and sound amazing. The only other game that came close was Aquanox in this regard.

    It’s not trying to be too much, most of the game is rather simple but to the point. The UI gives you all the information you need but doesn’t overload you.

    The progression was spot on. You spent enough time in each area to get familiar with it but you moved on before it had a chance to get boring. Same with your ship progression. You got new ships at a decent rate. The mix between free exploration time and furthering the story was right. The spacing between points of interest was just right, big enough that you could feel the vastness of space but not too wide to spend endless time traveling. Especially the difference between traveling amongst established lines and going “offroad” was right.

    Freelancer just focused on what is important and delivered on it. There are a few areas it could have been more. Especially faction diplomacy and economy is an area that in a game released today would feel too shallow. But it didn’t matter for Freelancer because it delivered where it matters and that was a fun space shooter game.