• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • I think arch peaked in its popularity in 2016 or so. It felt like an elitism thing was going on around that time that has 1. Faded off and 2. Been dispersed into other distros because as it turns out there are other good choices, too.

    Besides. How are you going to become a rising influencer rehashing the same old takes as the prior generation of dorks? Can’t keep people coming with Arch is the greatest YouTube videos forever.

  • I want to use global keyboard shortcuts with Wayland that can be defined in the application, not the compositor. This makes using Wayland much more difficult for me.

    And I also want to use proper Flatpak file permissions, but for Flatpaks to stop generating fake stupid random file paths so that this common issue stops being an issue:

    Come in and set the file path to my games directory in my emulator. It works fine. Come back a few days later and it loses all memory of games, because it is receiving a file path from a portal that no longer exists.

  • Guo, who is also known by the name Miles Kwok, left China in 2014 during an anti-corruption crackdown that ensnared people close to him, including a top intelligence official.

    Chinese authorities accused Guo of rape, kidnapping, bribery and other crimes, but Guo said those allegations were false and designed to punish him for publicly revealing corruption as he criticized leading figures in the Communist party.

    He applied for political asylum in the US, moved to a luxury apartment overlooking Central Park and joined Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago club in Florida.

    Come on. It’s too on the nose. I just have to assume that every allegation about this guy is true.

  • Maybe a few more bitcoin mining warehouses and datacenters for “ai” will offset this. Perhaps a few sweetheart deals where all available “renewable” energy gets diverted to such facilities, meaning traditional carbon-emitting sources have to be kept ramped up… maybe that will help. While we’re at it, those sweetheart deals should be further offset by rate increases to everyone else.

    Oh, and double while we’re at it all the big tech companies claiming they’re already or at least definitely on the way to carbon neutral by purchasing carbon credits should be allowed to do everything they want. This always bodes well.

    In case it’s needed: I’m being sarcastic.

  • It ultimately doesn’t actually matter because in many cases these things are convention and there is no real system-based effect. So while it would be especially weird if your distro installed packages into those directories, it ultimately doesn’t matter. Someone already linked the filesystem hirearchy. See how tiny the /media and /mnt sections are?

    I put my fixed disks into subdirectories under /mnt and I mount my NAS shares (I keep it offline most of the time) in subdirectories in /media.