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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Oooh I see, you don’t live in the US, so you have no idea what it’s actually like here, as evidenced by you stating that all US elections are rigged which is patently false. The closest elections get to being rigged is all the gerrymandering the republicans use to ensure they have advantage in local elections which then helps them have more control on a national level. I adore that you state Wikipedia can’t be trusted, but link to some rando’s paranoia blog for proof that the FBI rigged the election. Holy shit, I think I’m arguing with bot designed to push propaganda lol. Begone troll, you know not of what you speak, for your words hold zero weight or import.

  • You think a “troll farm” can influence elections? Imaginary or not? Really? Okay, but that’s not Russiagate. Yes, in swing states a few hundred votes is the difference between one candidate vs another candidate, so targeted inflammatory ads to motivate more people to get out and vote definitely can make a difference. That’s why Facebook sell adds to a hostile nation to influence elections is dirty as hell.

    You should be thanking them no?
    If Hilary’s emails were such a big deal then when the FBI investigated they would have charged her and her IT staff, they did not. Those email leaks were designed and timed to hurt Hilary and help Trump.

    Trump has shown over and over again that he idolizes dictator strong men. He’s like a groupie when it comes to Putin, that isn’t a quality we should have in a President. Or do you think Russia has the U.S.'s best interests in mind, and they’re our friend?

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_interference_in_the_2016_United_States_elections Date June 16, 2015 – November 8, 2016 Also known as Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections Motive Destabilization of the United States Election of Donald Trump Removal of U.S. sanctions on Russia Perpetrator Russia[who?] Outcome Trump elected president Mueller probe

    Because Biden is worse? As has been proven now. Because Fox News told you he’s worse? When you consume straight up lies it’s pretty crazy how much it twists your perspective. Please provide me some evidence that Biden is objectively worse then Trump. There are so many horrid things Trump did, as opposed to the imagine shit Fox News spews about the “Biden Crime Family”. 20 years ago I would have said that both parties were pretty similar, just slightly different opinions. But now, we have one party that lives in reality, and one that doesn’t. One party that wants to help make peoples lives better, and one that just wants to shit on the disadvantaged, the vulnerable, while stripping rights from the American people, and of course giving tax breaks to the richest and huge corporations.

  • Yeah I remember that as well, and I was surprised that it didn’t even move the needle during the investigation. The investigation was looking for direct enlisting of help from russia as an agreement. Him saying “Russian, if you’re listening…” was flippant and didn’t prove what the investigation was looking for. It sucks, because if a hostile nation is rooting for one candidate over another due to the chaos and division he’ll sew, that’s a very bad sign. Here we are years after his 1 term, and we’re still fractured in a way no one in living memory has seen. This sucks, I have no idea how to even begin to heal the damage this moron has caused.