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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Read your comment again. You are outraged because someone made a completely valid assumption bases on the information you gave. Truley someone that old wouldn’t be that angry about it would they? You are really just reaffirming that you are a kid masquerading as someone older by being this upset.

    The point of my comment wasn’t even about your age. It was that this is how things go in general.

  • Can a Saudi go to x country and act the same as x country going to Saudi? Hell yeah they can. I don’t know where you get the idea that some random white can go to Saudi and somehow be more than the reverse. If anything watch a rich Saudi show up and see how far x country will bend over backwards to accommodate them.

    Of course you guys are referencing Marxist ideology. As I said- you have a very myopic and biased understanding of things.you essentially only participate in echo chambers and have your communist buddies brigade anyone who dares counter your half thought out ideas. You are putting words in the other guy’s mouth- trying to make his argument into more than it is. He literally has said a rich white man outranks a rich native to x country- end of story. Even if he was referencing your version- it’s still Marxist echochamber bs.

    Read Go, Ralph, singhal, etc…

  • It’s yog again. Take a peek at his profile and it’s readily evident what he’s all about. 6k posts/comments in 4 years. He’s literally on here on average every day usually posting some new easily disproven/rabidly biased/propaganda. And when he does bother to argue it takes 30 seconds to deconstruct his argument after which he resorts to name calling and finally blocking you. Lol.

    Still nothing to see here and likely never will be anything to see here.

  • Buddy you have issues. Literally I’ve pointed out that it’s easy to see whatvyouvare about by looking at your profile. That’s it. Oh also calling you a propagandist… which you are by definition. And again- I literally GAVE YOU THE DEFINITION of ad hominem. Which you don’t like so now you claim I’m the one who doesn’t know what it is. Lol. Literally brain dead.

    My position is that people should actually do a bit of research into something before just jumping onto obvious propaganda. I’ve stated that explicitly and implicitly throughout this entire time here. That you can’t figure it out is really a you problem. That you now admit you don’t have a position- when you previously accused me of not addressing any of he points you made just shows you have no idea what’s going on. I’d guess you are the drunk one here.

    Please point to the facts you are referring to- I’d love to discuss any that I failed to address earlier

    If that’s entertainment for you- well good. Because you have definitely entertained me here. Lol. This is why i say you are so bad at what you do- you say a thing (you dont know what ad hominim is)- someone provides a fact/source/rebuttal (the definition of ad hominem)- and you make personal attacks because you dont like it took 30 seconds to disnantle your argument. So sad mate.