Christian Mutig 👻🚫•Any experience with teaching kids Linux?
1 year ago@maxprime @nayminlwin Ah, a wholesome IT teaching story. That’s something I might get into, when we train new interns and apprentices.
Former Pirate and Green Party member, Retrogaming, Ghostbusters and other 80’s nostalgia, Movie Connoisseur, Hessian without accent, works with IT around books.
Posts in English and German.
#Ghostbusters 🚫
#StarTrek 🖖
#StarWars 🛸
#Movies 🎬
#Books 📖
Works in a #Library 📚
#Games (Board and Video ones) 🎲🎮
Getting into #Astronomy 🔭
#Watch Collector ⌚
#Computers 🖥️
Very unlucky with #Linux 🐧
#fedi22 🌍
@maxprime @nayminlwin Ah, a wholesome IT teaching story. That’s something I might get into, when we train new interns and apprentices.
@CoconutKnight @CloverSi Yes, it is. A separate division, but still the same company.