Love me some old games.

  • Duke Nukem connoisseur
  • Doom lover
  • Lemmings ally
  • Commander Keen stan

Retrolemmy Admin


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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023


  • Is there a way to remove having to enter my password for everything?

    Wake computer from Screensaver? Password.
    Install something? Password.
    Updates (biggest one. Updates should in my opinion just work without, because being up to date is important for security reasons)? Password.

    I understand sudo needs a password,but all the other stuff I just want off. The frequency is rediculous. I don’t ever leave my house with my computer, and I don’t want to enter a password for my wife everytime she wants to use it.

  • Store is like 2 hours a week. Less if you live at a place where groceries can be delivered. Just get your weekly food at once. Save on gas and time.

    Cleanup is usually 15 minutes for my family. Including the mess my toddler makes.

    That won’t leave hours a day if you ask me.

    Maybe 2.5 hours a day if you include breakfast and lunch. I can’t live on 2.5 hours of sleep.