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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 19th, 2023


  • You’ve selected the least possible representative passage of the entire article. I suspect the interview subject would probably point to

    “I remember there was a hole in [Almog-Goldstein’s daughter’s] cheek and she was gasping her last breaths. There was an exit hole on the other side and her head was bleeding profusely,” Almog-Goldstein said through tears.

    or perhaps the opening line,

    Chen Almog-Goldstein refuses to forget her eldest daughter’s last moments. Yam, 20, was gasping for breath, having been shot in the face by Hamas gunmen, who minutes earlier had killed her father.

    or maybe this line about halfway through,

    Almog-Goldstein said. “But we were always terrified they would flip on us, that they’d get an order from someone to harm us, because clearly they were low-ranking cogs in the machine. We were constantly in angst or terror.”

    as being more representative of her experience.