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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • I had a long flight so I took along Reamde.

    I’d read it twice before, but damned if it didn’t hook me up again. I got to the first airport around 10 am and didn’t get home until 3 am. Saved my sanity.

    For the uninitiated, Reamde involves the kidnapped niece of a billionaire game maker; the game is really fun and also a money laundering operation. There are terrorists, Right Wing militias, undercover spies, demented science fiction authors, and a bear skin rug.

  • [off topic]

    I’ve been telling people to read ‘Cryptonomicon’ for decades.

    It tells two interwoven stories. Back in WW2 the grandfather is involved in proactive missions to keep the Nazis from learning the Allies had broken their codes, and in the late 1990’s the grandson is trying to start an online bank

  • No. Look at the Cold War, especially the Cuban Crisis. There were a lot of voices on both sides openly calling for a first strike, and the cooler heads prevailed.

    India and Pakistan are both nuclear armed and neither has pulled the trigger.

    As for Putin, think of it this way. The people who told Vlad that the Ukraine invasion would be a walk in the park are the ones who would actually pull the trigger. Those folks were robbing the army blind to pay for dachas and harems; do you think they’ll risk their Paris apartments and yachts to keep an old man happy?