Cowbee [he/him]

Actually, this town has more than enough room for the two of us

He/him or they/them, doesn’t matter too much

  • 1 Post
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 31st, 2023


  • because it’s the russian equivalent to nato? the us also wouldn’t be allowed to join brics, if that helps de-confuse you.

    It’s the Russian equivalent, you say, except the power dynamic is entirely different and CSTO isn’t expanding. Interesting.

    please provide a definition for imperialism that doesn’t include what russia’s doing in ukraine now

    Export of Industrial and Financial Capital to exploited Countries to super-exploit for super-profits, like an international Capitalistic relation. You know, the standard definition Leftists follow.

    says the one who’s just been continuously stating without expounding that nato is a collection of spooky imperialist powers

    I have explained how and why, your refusal to read is no longer my problem.

    i think it’s pretty clear you don’t have much of an argument here, given that this started as “nato is a protection racket” and across 6 replies you’ve provided absolutely nothing to support that statement past whinging

    Quite the contrary, your selective reading and blinders mean you can’t be reached with words.

  • i don’t think nato cares about csto

    So then why bring it up?

    russia is literally doing an imperialism right now, but nato is the one with grotesque reaches, okay

    Invasion and Imperialism are not the same thing. Regardless of the morality or immorality of invasion, NATO retains its status as Imperialist via surplus extraction and exploitation of the Global South.

    lmao because nato predates russia

    and russia started getting into iffy wars basically at its inception

    This kinda verges on anti-Russian racism, there’s no analysis of why you believe this.

    probably because they’re an imperialist power? i don’t know

    You indeed do not know.


    The GDR indeed purged Nazis, as they were attacked by western Germany, which largely retained its Nazis.

  • in the same way the us wouldn’t be allowed to join csto

    Have NATO countries complained of CSTO expansion? Has the US been denied entry into CSTO? Has the CSTO expanded against the will of NATO?

    i don’t see how it’s nato’s fault that people are so sick of russia’s shit that they’re signing up to the defensive alliance against them in their droves

    It’s NATO’s fault for consisting of the absolutely most grotesque reaches of Imperialist countries, and expanding against the wishes of non-NATO countries.

    nato expansion that existed because of russian land grabs

    Bzzzt wrong. NATO has been expanding long before.

    this is just you doing the thing you accused me of doing by refusing to consider externalities

    Quite the contrary, you’re deliberately erasing historical context.

    russia didn’t start misbehavin’ after 2022 either

    When and why did Russia start “misbehavin?”

    east germany was part of the warsaw pact, and had plenty of ex-nazis in its ranks

    Whataboutism, lmao. East-Germany purged Nazis, that’s one of the reasons the west complains that the GDR was authoritarian. NATO was led by Nazis.

    Anyone that considers themselves a good person cannot be *pro-*NATO. You can disagree with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine without being pro-NATO.

  • NATO didn’t press eastwards. It welcomed countries that wanted to join because they felt threatened. And it is obvious now that they were right to be scared. Russia demands a sphere of influence. But this is unacceptable for its neighbors. Russia is a colonial empire that can only think in these terms. That’s why they believe that these countries that want to join NATO don’t have a will of their own and are US puppets. Which makes them fair game. This is not only wrong but also inhumane. It takes away the people’s dignity and their right for peace.

    NATO was formed to be anti-Russia, and has continued to expand eastward against formalized warnings from Russia. NATO itself said that the cause of war was Putin’s fear of Ukraine also joining NATO. Was NATO lying?

    And for the love of God. Don’t forget the war crimes committed by Russian soldiers on a systematic and large scale. Mass executions, torture, rape, etc. Those weren’t isolated incidents, they were part of the plan. And Putin himself handed out medals for the commanders of the most notorious units.

    Russia is in many ways an evil bourgeois dictatorship, but you seem to be brushing Ukranian shelling of pro-Russian territories within Ukraine, and Ukranian warcrimes including mass executions, torture, and rape as well. Russia is not absolved of their crimes, and neither is Ukraine.

    With respect to the Russians. Given the Ukrainian wins, they are clearly doing a better job than the Russians.

    Given that Ukraine is losing, they are clearly better than the Russians. What?

    I asked in what manner is the Ukranian military better, materially. Is it vibes?

    I’m saying they won’t accept a deal in which Ukraine becomes demilitarized and at Russia’s mercy. And that’s the only deal the Russians are offering right now. Even if they lose the resources to launch offensives, they will dig in and defend as long as they can. And this might go on not for years, but decades.

    What choice will they have? They are continuing to lose capable fighters and resources.

    Again, the only deal Russia is willing to give Ukraine at the moment is equal to unconditional surrender. That’s not a peace deal. It’s a farce.

    Again, does Ukraine have any choice in the future? Where is the path to victory? Seems like you just want to send Ukranians to their deaths.

    That remains to be seen. It’s also taking away from Russia’s ability to attack in those other regions. Also, this attack shows that Russia has been concentrating its troops on the active front (probably because they felt safe because of western weapon restrictions). Russia was enjoying an asymmetrical advantage. Ukraine took that away.

    So as Russia continues to advance and Kursk falls back to Russian hands, you’ll applaud this grand show of virtue signaling?