One of them Carpenter nerd types.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • Hopped on path of exile with a friend. We’re slowing going through the acts and likely won’t get to mapping by the time the new league drops. It’s fine though.

    Been messing around with Sky: Child of Light, that one mmo that is very reminiscent of journey made by the same people and got extremely frustrated. I ‘finished’ the game after getting stun locked, and proceeded to find some trials which required precise control of your character… Which is not a thing. Pressing jump doesn’t always work. The physics aren’t great, and the leeway for timings is much harsher than it needs to be. All in all, that was not the best experience. I ended up on the Farmville quest. First objective I could do alone, second one required another person. Third one needs 3 people…

    It’s also the 8th anniversary of Egg Inc. and they have their annual event running. I managed to triple my earnings bonus in one day… Which is fairly significant.

  • The directional pad is four separate buttons. Up down left right. I want them to be like the c buttons on the Nintendo 64 controller. Separate.

    What ends up happening with me is that I’ll press down but not squarely down. There is a good chance I’ll press partially to the left or right while using smaller d pads. This causes extra inputs I didn’t intend to do happen. The ds made playing tetris much harder on me than it should have for me.

  • I do not know what the industry wide obsession is with connected D-pads, but my chunky thumbs do not appreciate it.

    And with that in mind, the Playstation style of controllers are the closest thing to my ideal controller currently on the market.

    Also, I prefer thumbstick under D-pad just in case I need to hit one of those buttons regularly I have a few options.

  • I don’t think I played anything over the past week. I’ve been thinking about trying some fresh builds in nova drift, which is in it’s final steps to full release.

    I remembered that I played dragons dogma 2, as I also did last night and there is something inherently wrong with the later parts in that game. I’m wandering through the desert sections of the map, clearing everything as I go, and I’ve flat out lost pawns while just walking on major paths. They get stuck running into a cliff face somewhere and no commands or anything else will tell them to knock it off. I literally have to go to them, pick them up, and move them away from the wall. I must have missed one of them getting this stuck as she simply despawned completely instead of teleporting back to the group. I have been besieged by roaming groups of what might as well be orcs only to look at the minimal and realize my front men are somewhere 100m back. It’s so incredibly frustrating.

  • There was some random video on YouTube about the original fable and I had the urge to play it again. At some point had received the anniversary edition on steam so I loaded it up. 30 minutes and a bit of motion sickness later I uninstalled it and went hunting for my actual original disk. Found it, installed it, and the options and controls are so much better… It’s amazing that they ported the Xbox version for the anniversary edition and didn’t bother to include things like mouse sensitivity, smoothing, acceleration, or really any pc specific options.

    The main issue is that the camera seems to be connected to more than just character location, it seems to also be connected to orientation of some part of the character, like the hip. Combat is jittery as all hell, movement isn’t pleasant, and everything else hardly matters… I will be playing the original.

  • In no particular order:

    1. Half minute hero: quirky, quick, hilarious, and a bit stressful at times. It’s a perfect mobile title.

    2. Disgaea: infinitely scaling/playable strategy rpg. You can power through the game pretty quickly, or take your time and slowly become a god so strong that even friendly healing spells miss you.

    3. Patapon (2 and 3): rhythm based game about using drum commands to get your little dudes to complete missions.

    4. Dj max (any/all):dance dance revolution for your thumbs. Korean game featuring Korean artists. One of my favorite continuing series.

    5. Monster hunter (freedom through portable 3rd): action rpg all about them boss fights. Kill monsters, use their parts to hunt tougher monsters in a game all about incremental progression, inventory management, and learning movement patterns to git gud.

    6. Patchwork hero: do you like the dig dug stages where you slice off bits of the land to drop enemies into the water? This is that except they are airships and you must defend your homeland

    7. Lumines (1 and 2): musical game about matching colors and making combos in a tetris-esque style game. The devs went on to make tetris effect.

    8. Cladun 2: so I heard you like action rpgs, infinite scaling, pixel art, and enough grindy systems that even my power tools get jealous. Enter Cladun.

    I’m wondering if I missed any I spent a disproportionate amount of time on… But these were the first ones to pop into my head.

    Edit: I am finally home so I can look over my games… and I definitely forgot a couple.

    1. LOCO ROCO! It’s a very simple platformer in which you guide your little dudes through stages by using the L and R to tilt the stage. You collect fruits to increase your dude into a larger dude, or several dudes, depending on the situation.

    2. N+ Be a platforming Ninja, die a lot… like a lot a lot. It’s… simple and hard and so satisfying to clear one set of 4 stages at a time. You can even make your own stages if you’re feeling up to the challenge.