Because 9800 is 25.6% larger of a number than 7800.
It could be the specific audio or video codecs of those files causing the stuttering issues. I’ve always seemed to have trouble with EAC3 audio even after 6 or 7 years and a multitude of updates and different hardware.
“Bruh just use the finger scale to weigh out your weed. 1 finger = 1.7g and 2 fingers = 3.5g”
I’m in BTC S&P 500 Index, BTC Russell 2500, BTC ACWI EX US IMI, and BTC US Debt and am at 11.93%, 3.6%, 3.87%, and -1.34% over the last 3 years. Over the last year though, it’s 36.36%, 26.36%, 25.22%, and 11.6%. My funds are Large Cap Blend, Small Cap Blend, Foreign Blend, and US Bonds at roughly 67/7/20/6 percent division of my portfolio.
I think you just got into the market at the height of the markets during COVID and are still digging your way back out. You could try diversifying a little bit in a similar fashion to spread the gains and losses out a bit over both large and small US companies and foreign markets.
Please insert controller into rectum and drink verification can for authorization
I’m guessing the inside of your tank looks just like this and swapping new heating elements in isn’t going to fix that. Maybe try flushing it out first?
Being murdered in a genocide seems about as worse as it can get. Would Trump reanimate the corpses and then murder them again or something?
I bet your friends on Facebook love when you make posts like this.
The Israeli army’s radio said that Israeli F-35 fighter jets dropped 2000-pound bunker-buster bombs on the residential buildings.
I always run the fan for the same reasons (and prefer a noisier fan) but it doesn’t actually cover the sound outside the bathroom. It just gives you the impression that it does.
I once got a cup full of dlihydrogen monoxide when using one of these machines. Let me tell you that it was an experience…
I find we’re most productive in far years.
It’s also Christmas time