I like to ask a variety of questions, sometimes silly, serious, and/or strange. Never asking in an attempt to pester or “just asking questions” stuff.

I’m generally curious and/or trying to get a sense of people’s views.

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • Would you happen to mean readers with filtering tools? If so I’m interested as well.

    I know Thunderbird technically has them, but I’ve had trouble making them work as effectively as I’d like. RSSOwl had some that were easier to work with, but stopped being updated. There’s now a fork of it called RSSOwlnix, but I haven’t taken the time to see whether it still works as well or not. May be worth looking into though…

  • Have you tried/looked into Joplin yet? If I understand right, I think the one box it doesn’t tick unfortunately is the first (at least in the Android app), as it supports markdown which is only rendered after leaving edit mode.

    However, it does have checkboxes and the whole note doesn’t have to be a checklist. You can write a description, add your checklist, add a horizontal separator line, another description, another checklist, all in the same note. It’s also FOSS and actively updated. Bonus as well is that it can be used with Syncthing to sync notes to your other devices, and there’s a desktop version which has some more flexibility over the Android app.

  • The thing is, I don’t think a guide is really needed to install Linux. Most of it is pretty straight-forward. (The only tricky bit that comes to mind is making the USB that you’ve put your distro on bootable. That probably isn’t obvious; and it might not be obvious how to get your computer to boot from a USB anyway if you’ve never done it before.)

    It’s been awhile since I installed a Linux distro…Have some of them improved guidance related to allocating disk space on install? I remember that was one of the parts that I wasn’t entirely confident I’d handled properly the last few times I did so. Something something swap, something /, and the like.

  • Won’t a wall, supposing it’s somewhat effective at mitigating unlawful entry over the surface, simply encourage even more risky behavior such as (more?) tunneling and/or attempts at entering via the Gulf?

    Also, for cat lovers out there, you might want to note this detail that just adds to the suffering this will perpetuate:

    Concern is shared with environmental advocates who say structures will run through public lands, habitats of endangered plants and species like the Ocelot, a spotted wild cat.

    Finally, wouldn’t the more modern, humane, and fiscally responsible solution to this whole issue be migration reform such that people can more easily, legally enter the country? More people become citizens, more tax revenue, governments’ budgets may still be tight but more manageable (supposing they continue to insist on avoiding taxing businesses more).

    Don’t get me wrong, though, I realize a big part of why it’s not being addressed that way is related to fearmongering, with another big part being exploited migrant labor.