Is there a platform where regular people can suggest FOSS ideas to developers? I have a great idea and want to contribute to the community. Any recommendations?

    1 year ago

    Honestly the best way would be to start coding by yourself. While trying to find solutions you might find the right people too.

    Almost every dev has its own ideas and ideals. There is no lack of ideas but everytime a big lack of time and men power. Software developers have more too much on the plate then too less.

    So sharing ideas is nice but contributing is gold.

    I would call it the FOSS Dev Paradox.

    1 year ago

    I’m afraid it doesn’t work this way. Developers generally don’t have a shortage of ideas or problems to solve. People suggest ideas all the times. Usually they have no idea if it’s super difficult to implement or already a solved problem. And if people do the programming in their spare time: They need to be involved or personally motivated somehow. So you need to find people who also want it.

    My advice is: Find out where those people mingle, who would have some personal motivation or involvement with your topic of interest. That is the right place to ask. My personal oppinion: Feel free to also spam the internet and places like this with your idea. I’m a proponent of “Don’t ask to ask, just ask”. People can always not read your post or can guide you into some direction. It’s probably okay if you do it a few times too many. Just don’t ask in a hundred places at once and then don’t read the replies. If you’re better than that, you’re fine.