Everytime I see these I always take solace in one simple fact. This would never be able to pass any disability or accessibility act.
“We’ll just put the disabled passengers in the cargo hold. Problem solved.”
If I pretend to be disabled can I fly there too?
free sedation! *with service charge
I’ll pay extra for good drugs
… I could fly with my dog then? (I’ve not traveled with her, because being alone in the cargo sounds like a torment I would not wish on anyone). But if I can be there, too, that’s a whole other scenario
Not to mention safety requirements for rapidly escaping a plane in the event of an emergency
Though tbf, with planes how often do emergencies fall between the “it’s dangerous to stay here” and “you can get off the plane safely if you’re quick” thresholds? I’d think that due to their nature, most situations will either be “no rush” or “not much we can do about it now”. Things like emergency exits seem more like safety theatre than anything else IMO.
Actually fires and rapid departure are a big deal.
Overall here’s a great video going over how important this whole process is.
Interesting video thanks for the info!
Here is an alternative Piped link(s):
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They only put them down the center with regular seats along the windows.
First class, second class, cargo class.
I’m gonna be real, I totally forgot that planes have middle lanes. Every plane that I’ve ever been on has been a relatively small in comparison. Some of them fucking frighteningly so. When my knees are touching the back of the pilot I’m usually having concerns other than the legroom.
These will not see the light of day until the industry coughs up enough money to buy off enough legislation oversight to make the FAA egress rules “agreeable”.
Imagine trying to evacuate in a rush. Also, deep vein thrombosis.
If you can’t afford business class seats, are you even worth saving?
Dvt would likely be less of an issue with your legs out vs bent at the knee. Less gravity for your heart to fight against.
DVT is an issue if you’re immobile for any decent length of time. Your position doesn’t really matter too much. That’s why they want you up and walking immediately as soon as possible after a surgery and why they will often put patients with an extended stay in the hospital on blood thinners.
True, though it would be horrifically uncomfortable to be forced to sit like that for 4 hours without the ability to shift positions.
True, though it would be horrifically uncomfortable to be forced to
sit like that for 4 hours without the ability to shift positions.have your nose so close to somebody’s fart hole who just spent an hour at the airport’s cold stone creamery for an international flight.Is this what you meant?
God, that’s totally true. I can’t imagine how they would try to make that work.
This seems incompatible with a pretty high proportion of Americans.
Y’all getting kinda thicc too, no offense.
It’s funny because you don’t know which country he’s from but it still applies anyway because everyone is getting fatter
Relevant username
Tremendously incompatible, if 1/10 of what is portraid on movies is true.
Extra cushioning for crashes, just have to wear a xxxl diaper.
With your face right at prime fart receiving level. Wtf.
Even for the people who would get off on that, their joy would turn to frustration when the flight attendant asked them to stop masturbating.
Middle seat would have enough time to finish before they could stop you.
This guy right here officer
The Pink Eye Express.
Sounds like a real gas, man.
Someone shits their pants. Good god
Pretty soon they’re just going to roofie people and pack them into planes like sardines.
Honestly it’s like teleporting then so I’m on board.
They could just tip the nose of the plane 90 degrees in the air and then have a slide or funnel that dumps you into the fuselage. You’ll just want to be sure to buy first-class tickets so that you’ll be at the top of the pile.
Get a tamper to pack em in a little
A la Fifth Element.
Why did they say if like it was a bad thing? I want this to be a thing.
If you stack people alternating head-first, feet-first, head-first, they will tesselate much better. Airlines eventually won’t be able to resist the profit margin.
I don’t absolutely hate it, but I’m 6’3", so fully stretching my legs out on a plane is always just a pipe dream.
I’m sure they’d make them fit only average size people, unfortunately.
Do you see how that lady’s feet are? They’re probably up against a wall, and I don’t think she’s 6’3”
Also, no way people on the higher part have the same amount of leg room. Their feet would go through other passengers’ heads.
Same height, same dreams.
As another tall person my knees ache just looking at this photo
I think they should just have rows of bunk beds. It’s much easier to stack something flat than people with their awkward bends at the hips and knees.
unsurprisingly the ship and train industry figured this shit out like literally a century ago
The airlines can maximize that idea as well. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooks\_(1781\_ship)#/media/File:Slaveshipposter.jpg
God, I would love that. I can’t sleep sitting up, even when I’m really tired. Long plane rides are torture.
I’m sure she’ll be smiling when a drunken passenger farts right into her nostrils.
Window seat dude needs to take a piss, watch the fun …
Also, why the fuck is she smiling?!
I think these only go down the center based on the photo.
She’s smiling because she’s being paid to smile.
One day they’ll invent super-economy class where you just get strapped to the wings and released over your destination. Parachutes will cost extra.
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Nah they just charge you for not flying
But what it they will hi-jack engine?
At least there’d finally be room.
I think whoever thought of this concept should die
Eh. Fewer passengers per plane is worse for the environment, and lying down is great for people with back problems. I can see the pluses.
Where are the overhead baggage bins? No carry-on bags? If they go in the hold, how do you make it bigger?
This design is similar but not the same as OG post. Although still shitty, its quite an improvement over the orgional.
Those steps DEFINITELY aren’t a safety hazard.
The newer version from the link looks less bad than this picture, but still dystopian as fuck. We need to make airline travel cheaper somehow rather than having the airline industry come up with their own ideas to try and pack people in like cattle.
Cheaper? What kinda crack are you smoking? Shit is destroying the planet, it needs to be a LOT more expensive.
Uh, you know, it is possible to care about two things at once. Wanting airline travel to be cheaper/more comfortable and also less environmentally unfriendly are not mutually exclusive positions.
As others have pointed out, making it more expensive isn’t going to get rid of air travel, it’ll just be reserved for the ultra-wealthy who will not give a damn either way.
what kind of crack are YOU smoking? So practically “banning” poor people for traveling anywhere further than 500km than their hometown is the solution? And allow rich people go on as usual?
The not-wealthy will be the only ones affected by this. Business people were traveling since the birth of the aviation and will continue travelling. This will be just an increased cost in their cost planning.
So if you’re rich you’re allowed to destroy the planet. If you’re poor stay at home, the planet is in danger.
We could subsidize biofuels. Just spitballing.
I agree, but it’s mostly the Uber wealthy, not regular travelers. It’s bad, but it’s not that bad. Using a whole plane to carry one or two people is horrible though.
You get points for being an environmentalist but lose points for accusing any differing opinion of being the result of drug use. That cliche is often used on autistic people to attack them for thinking differently. You should try making your point without cliches.
I don’t think he meant that literally.
Yeah, that’s usually how people use cliches. They hear something and think it sounds quippy in a rhetorical sense, even if it’s not what they mean. It’s a lazy way of participating in a conversation without actually putting forward any ideas of your own. It’s the death of sincerity.
What I’m reading is you just fail to understand anything that isn’t literal.
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I’m autistic and I’ve literally been harassed by people who used that cliche. If I were virtue signalling I’d obviously say something people want to hear. Do you think that I thought that saying this would gain me praise?
I’m autistic and I’ve literally been harassed
+30 virtue signal points
You think that admitting to having a autism or being honest about ableist experiences is something to look down on. You’re hateful towards autistic people.
This extra passenger density would make it cheaper per person, right? More fuel efficient, too.
Looking over my original post, perhaps my phrasing wasn’t clear. Yes, this is one way to decrease costs, but it comes at the expense of comfort. Airline companies are no stranger to this process, and have been rolling out new methods of packing as many passengers onto a plane as physically possible since the very first commercial airplanes took flight.
Awkward and regressive ideas like this, where the airlines are contemplating stacking people in uncomfortable looking double-decker seating to save precious inches of space are only coming out now because no significant strides have been made in making air travel less expensive to operate as a whole. It is always going to be easier to shave off a few inches of legroom and pack in another row of seating in the next generation of jet airliner than it is to invent a new type of jet fuel that is cheaper and burns cleaner without sacrificing performance, or developing a new more efficient fuselage that can fly just as far as a conventional plane while carrying less fuel, etc.
It would be nice to see air travel improve for a change, rather than continue to get worse and worse over time out of necessity.
imagine this plane crashing.
Just like all plane crashes, everyone would die.
Not sure if you’re just joking, but plenty of people survive plane crashes. Most crashes aren’t just a plane falling out of the sky at full speed. Survival rates are around 95%.
Generally speaking, plane crashes are like train crashes. Either most everyone survives, or most everyone dies pretty quickly, with very little in between.
Imagine this plane with a fire on board before takeoff and now the unfit overweight masses have to evacuate.
Imagine a new meaning to the phrase “upper decker”.
at that point just give me general anaesthesia and put me in an airline shipping coffin so at least i don’t have to be conscious for the horror show
Someone somewhere just pulled out some graph paper and is sketching a concept.
12 hour flight. The fail-safes fail. Something goes wrong with the anesthesia and you’re awake for the entire thing
I woke up in the middle of my wisdom teeth surgery so I of all people oughtta know better lol
Still better hab Ryanair!
I fly often for work, stay up the whole night before and cannabis. Flying is easy now.
As someone who doesn’t have claustrophobia, I feel claustrophobic just looking at this. Then again, I’ve never been on a plane before, and for all I know this might be better :/
I had very bad claustrophobia the time I got rolled in a carpet with only my head sticking out or the time I got closed in a trunk. Flew around 12 times on airplanes and they are mostly just uncomfortable and annoying. Maybe I grew out of it 🤷
Are you a cartoon or something?
Getting locked in a trunk and rolled up into a carpet with your head sticking out just sounds like someone Wile e coyote would count as normal life experiences. Bonus points if you hopped away off screen after getting rolled in the carpet.
I got rolled into our floor rug as a kid, we were messing around and I thought it would be funny. It was not and a panic attack was had.
Who keeps abducting you?!
I think theres just so much shit going on in an airplane that the brain short circuits and doesnt think about the fact that you are in a disturbingly thin walled, air sealed aluminium can hurtling through the sky at 800+kph with a hundred other people, most of whom dont have the common sense the gods gave a common rock, and are riddled with disease that you are no doubt being exposed to due to being crammed in like sardines.
I agree it sucks but most of the time I am just hoping that the plane doesn’t crash, and I am a pretty anxious person, other than that my headphones are in and I’m either listening to music or watching a something and looking out the window :p
The leg room is better but scooting into the window seat will be slightly harder. Hard telling if you can put your feet down in this set up though.
The leg room is different, but it isn’t better. There’s about the same amount of usable space. I’d prefer the classic chair setup I think.
Just looks way too low clearance. Can’t put up your knees, can’t put one leg over the other, can’t lay on the side. Who can keep their legs straight like this for 10h. If it had like double the clearance I’d love this.
Alternatively, have it totally flat under some chairs maybe? Have the option for a bed or a chair basically.
That doesn’t actually look to bad considering what we have today
Right at fart smelling level
In a sealed pressurised container I’d assume fart smelling was mandatory.