• spirit@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Update: So I dug around a little deeper, and found that

    On another topic, there are rumors circulating that we are fascists or supported genocide. These claims are completely false, and like most viral twitter threads, are coming from a single Mastodon user on a personal vendetta who didn’t provide any sources. Such slander doesn’t deserve any response and is best left ignored.

    Update: More info about @dessalines@lemmy.ml

  • Rentlar@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Sure, I think the tankie and extremely pro-CCP/Kremlin views expressed by the developers and lemmygrad server members are outright dumb. But I do appreciate that they leave room for all of us of differing views to exist without constantly clashing, by creating this federated system.

    You know you’ve done well when you’ve made something that’s bigger than yourself and your own interests.

    • Scary le Poo@beehaw.org
      1 year ago

      Is there any actual proof of this? I have seen it repeated over and over and over, but I have yet to see literally anyone provide receipts.

      • Rentlar@beehaw.org
        1 year ago

        Sorry if I didn’t provide sufficient proof, depends on which aspect you would have liked me to clarify on?

        tankie views: essays on github by the main developers I’m not trying to argue right or wrong in this comment, just to show these are texts representing the beliefs held by the lead developer.

        Tankie moderation: Orientalism stipulated as reason for comment rule and ban on a Ukraine-related thread

        Creating something bigger than themselves: From open sourcing lemmy, and structuring lemmy in a way that gives liberty for instance owners to rule as they please.

        • Scary le Poo@beehaw.org
          1 year ago

          Thanks for the reply and info. So basically he’s a communist of some stripe or another. I am hard left (USA hard left so left of center for those of you who live in normal countries) so my views do not align with his.

          I can’t figure out how this relates to software development though. Who gives a shit if he’s a communist or if he bleaches and waxes his asshole every Thursday? Literally to the point of people suggesting forking lemmy (these people clearly have absolutely no idea how software development works to be suggesting something so stupid).

  • Pixel@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    For all the issues with the lemmy developers (and they’re completely valid, though I’m not as familiar with the ins and outs of the discourse given how new I am to the fediverse) I appreciate their candor. I guess part of it is just that I’m used to corporate speak when receiving website updates and what not, but as long as they’re receptive to changes that the platform needs and continue to make the platform more stable, safer, and more feature-rich, it’s nice having a home on the fediverse run by genuine people, even if they’re people I’m not the most aligned with ideally – to be charitable

  • heartlessevil@lemmy.one
    1 year ago

    On another topic, there are rumors circulating that we are fascists or supported genocide. These claims are completely false, and like most viral twitter threads, are coming from a single Mastodon user on a personal vendetta who didn’t provide any sources. Such slander doesn’t deserve any response and is best left ignored.

    My “Not involved in genocide denial” T-shirt has people asking a lot of questions already answered by my shirt

  • Cass.Forest@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    I do appreciate the transparency from the Lemmy devs and re their views (whether only alleged or actual) on controversial topics, I think the issue is not in the software itself and in how the devs themselves are using it. However given the nature of the fediverse and how Lemmy is programmed, you can use the software however you like, as we do here on Beehaw.

    Similarly, we can look to the “death of the author” debate to settle this. I’m not going to discuss what that is and what it isn’t here (as that isn’t the purpose of this post or this comment), however, I will state that my definition of “death of the author” involves critically enjoying a piece of media despite its author’s bad views if and only if those views aren’t inherent to the work and they aren’t profiting off of my consumption of the work itself. Beehaw is like that. Sure the creators of the software are involved in a controversy, but the way the devs use their own software is not an inherent feature of the software. Beehaw has a fantastic setup and ethos, so I find my home here. Sure, there’s not that many specific communities, but that’s what federation is for.

    Another analogy, however accurate (no analogy is perfect): people lobby governments with money to get them to pass problematic legislation, but people still participate in the economy.

    note on that analogy because I feel it needs saying

    Yes, I know that participating in the economy, especially in the United States where I live but really anywhere is a bit necessary to, well, exist most places if not everywhere, but people unknowingly support controversial people all the time. See Nestle and their controversies. Even bringing that up reminds me of the illusion of choice and how everything is owned by five companies (and even then mostly everything is owned by like two VC groups). I’m digressing, of course, but I hope you see my point in bringing this up.

    TL;DR: The way the devs use the software should not impede our use of the software given that the devs’ views are not inherent to any use case of the software.

    • StrayCatFrump@beehaw.org
      1 year ago

      I agree with the first part. I completely fail to see how the analogy at the end applies. Capitalists and their corporations lobby the government to pass legislation that directly fucks the economy to make it worse for working-class people who use it (and, in fact, depend on it for their basic survival). So it’s much, much more like Reddit where people have to use the one corporate system that exploits and oppresses them than like someone developing a piece of FOSS software that other people can use independently. In fact, if you try to build a separate economy, the state’s violent enforcers (police and/or military, depending on the context) will come in and abuse and murder you and tear apart your independent economy and force people back into the fold.

      • Cass.Forest@beehaw.org
        1 year ago

        My point with including thr analogy about the economy was to say, in essence, “people do bad things with money all the time yet we still use it,” although, again, I will bring up how this isn’t a good analogy because of our reliance on capital to obtain things like healthcare, food, and housing.

  • lukini@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Wow they went from 1 user to 27. It feels like way more than 27 people

    (I’m aware of what they meant, but it’s incorrect in English)