It’s fun seeing all the builds people do, but I’m more interested right now in what you feel your greatest accomplishment is in this game. Maybe it’s not the most technically amazing moment. My favorite is just a testament to my own stubbornness.

Mine is trying to reach the light root beneath the dueling peaks. I started at the bottom, all out of large blooms. I ran completely out of blooms halfway up. Scaled that puppy by hand in near darkness and barely knowing where my target was. Could I have used a hot air balloon… Maybe. Did I do things the hard way on accident… sure. But I would not be defeated by using technology or following the easy route.

    1 year ago

    For me it would be discovering what I think is being dubbed a “recall-evator”, where you take two objects, lift one up with ultrahand, stand on it, recall it, and lift up the other object at the same time. Then you can alternate between them, recalling and ultrahanding as far / high as recall will record. I used it to lift myself over a wall blocked by a puzzle in one of the shrines - it is a bit tedious but very busted.

    1 year ago

    I’m not far enough in the game to have one of these proudest moments, but some of the Zonai contraptions I’ve seen people make seem to utterly break the game. Like, I’ve seen laser armed drones kill Lynels, Hinoxes and other large enemies.

    1 year ago

    Oof, I remember that lightroot…

    I have a similar story of stubbornness, where I hopped back and forth between two floating blocks, slowly ultrahanding them forward and up until I got to a sky island I wanted to explore. Now that I have way more battery, I’ll never do that again! But it was extremely satisfying that the game allowed me to inch my way through the sky like that.