The Knesset is suffering from malignant Kahanism. On Sunday, it enacted a law unrelated to the government coup, the legislative process of which did not encounter public or parliamentary opposition and did not earn its supporters cries of “shame on you!” Yet it is no less dangerous to democracy than the coup, and it proves that the processes of fascism are in full swing.

    1 year ago

    First they came for the Communists

    And I did not speak out

    Because I was not a Communist

    Then they came for the Socialists

    And I did not speak out

    Because I was not a Socialist

    Then they came for the trade unionists

    And I did not speak out

    Because I was not a trade unionist

    Then they came for the Jews

    And I did not speak out

    Because I was not a Jew

    Then they came for me

    And there was no one left

    To speak out for me

    This is merely the same system that has been used for decades to oppress Palestinians. Fascism does not stop growing and will come for people who thought they were part of the in group.