Sometimes it is ok to communicate things in the same language some tend to understand. If they are using Big Lie to create alternative reality, it is ok to moderately do it. These kind of people become the biggest crybabies when they are given a taste if their own medicine.
I know you are not calling me one. Its just that I consider it okay as long as I am self-aware and moderate the usage. I have trained myself enough to not become the thing I seek to destroy, if that reference makes sense. Its risky for most untrained people to take that road, though. Psyops are dangerous as fuck. Look at CIA agents who eventually go mentally ill.
I called out the false projection, not implied Russians engage in anything. Why are you defending American global terrorism practices by excusing it as Russians allegedly engaging in them?
Why are you accusing Russia of all the things USA is/does?
Because russia is also a brutal imperialist horror show?
Downvote for ableist 4chan meme. Don’t reinforce white supremacy.
Sometimes it is ok to communicate things in the same language some tend to understand. If they are using Big Lie to create alternative reality, it is ok to moderately do it. These kind of people become the biggest crybabies when they are given a taste if their own medicine.
I’ve been through that before. It’s just a repackaged “use slurs for good” excuse that cryptofash use to excuse their use of neo-fascist parlance.
I do not use that lingo often enough to be a cryptofash. It is all about moderation and reverse psyops against these Western psyop babies.
I’m not calling you cryptofash but pointing out how you’re using a lot of the same tools as they do. That alone should give you pause.
EDIT: The fact that you thought that’s what I was saying should also give you pause because that’s really weird.
I know you are not calling me one. Its just that I consider it okay as long as I am self-aware and moderate the usage. I have trained myself enough to not become the thing I seek to destroy, if that reference makes sense. Its risky for most untrained people to take that road, though. Psyops are dangerous as fuck. Look at CIA agents who eventually go mentally ill.
Why are you defending Russia for engaging in a practice that you obviously take issue with?
I called out the false projection, not implied Russians engage in anything. Why are you defending American global terrorism practices by excusing it as Russians allegedly engaging in them?
English fascists only know “whataboutism” dogwhistle.
Really they’re barking up the wrong whataboutree.
Well. That’s a first.
Because Russia is so good at it and effectively does it all the time as well as it being doctrine.