• curiosityLynx@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    Musk is a proponent of near-absolute free speech

    Anything goes, so long as it doesn’t hurt his feelings personally

  • Melpomene@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    The best anyone can do right now is to migrate off of Twitter entirely. As long as Musk is in charge (or in charge through his puppet CEOs) the site will be a cesspool of toxicity and hate. I’m honestly not sure why reputable people are still using the site… guess the view and media exposure are better than doing the right thing and leaving?

    • roadkill@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      With Reddit, I suspect it was mostly timing that can’t be replicated unless something mind shattering and truly catastrophic were to happen. (Much more than what already has. Hey, it’s possible Spez can fuck up even worse.) It bridged Web 1.0/2.0/3.0 (god I hate that term) and was able to facilitate mass user migrations from Digg and Fark along with a number of smaller communities that shut down or died off. Lemmy and Mastodon -do- have room to grow but I suspect people prefer “the one thing” to move to and unfortunately, there isn’t that one other Reddit alternative, I’m happy enough to be here, but I’m not counting on this federated alternative to reach 10% of the total userbase that Reddit had.

      Nothing really replaced LiveJournal. Nothing really replaced Tumblr. SmugMug, Flickr, Blogger were all functionally similar sites that just never got as far. I think we’re going to see a bigger change in the style of the next social media site that reaches popularity more than we are going to see a functionally similar one replace Reddit and reach the same userlevels.

      And I think we have the exact same problem with Twitter. Why would anyone want to move to another functionally similar microblogging site if Twitter still has more users? The problem we’re seeing with post, mewe, etc… General people don’t want to split themselves between several sites to keep in touch with everyone they know.

      So they will just ignore what bothers them for as long as enough people remain on Twitter or Reddit.

      I’ve been around long enough to eventually realize that no one community lasts. They all die. Whether it’s due to attrition, incompetence, infighting or just those in charge giving up the pretense of professionalism and turning it into their little sandbox full of cat shit… Something new will always show up and it’s a matter of time before something loses or reaches critical mass. However important that ‘reaching critical mass’ can be for some sites… it just doesn’t seem like that happens as often anymore. TikTok being the last big example I can immediately think of. How many people do you see talking about their Kik, Snap or Telegram chats? “Everyone I know is on TikTok, I’ll just go there instead.” (Or Instagram/Facebook/Whatsapp.)

      Whether it’s general sites like Fark or specific forums like HardOCP/Forum screwing the pooch, the only thing I’ve been able to take away regardless of what happened: Sticking around always led to a more negative outcome. People only end up rewarding themselves with toxicity by choosing to remain with a site that has turned on its community and tried to tell others where they can or cannot go.

      Those who insist on staying… I’ve stuck around on some sites/services for those one or two that I wanted to keep in touch with. It wasn’t worth it in the end.

      Cut loose. Enjoy the next spot. Tell people where you’ve gone but don’t waste time with wondering if people are going to make it. If they care, they’ll find their way.

      This includes not trying to convince people to follow. If they need to be convinced, they likely won’t have as good of an outcome as they expect from your sales pitch.

      • TWeaK@lemm.ee
        1 year ago

        He knows how to run a social media site into the ground…

        Which is probably the whole point. Make it seem like the site is failing because of mismanagement, and not that its failure was intended right from the start with a leveraged buyout saddling the business with an untenable $13bn of debt.

  • NotAPenguin@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    All social media is filled with animal cruelty.
    There’s so many pictures and videos of cut up animal corpses with people going “yum” in the comments…

    • TheRtRevKaiser@beehaw.orgM
      1 year ago

      Folks, there is important, valid discussion to be had about meat eating both from ethical an environmental perspectives. I’m not sure that !Technology is the place to have that discussion, however.

      More importantly, this thread was not the way to discuss these issues, particularly on Beehaw. The behavior in this thread was not nice, and is not the way that these types (or any type) of discussion should be conducted.

      • NotAPenguin@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        I just made a comment about animal cruelty on social media, in a thread about animal cruelty on social media.

        Sadly speaking up for the animals provokes angry responses in many people.

        • TheRtRevKaiser@beehaw.orgM
          1 year ago

          I’m not saying that you are solely at fault for the thread getting out of hand, but I hope we can agree that when things devolve to the point that we’re talking about murdering other users and eating their corpses that the discussion has probably gotten out of hand.

          I think there are ways of discussing even controversial topics without the conversation spinning out of control, but I know that this topic in particular touches a nerve with a lot of folks. Just please try to be mindful of whether you’re escalating or deescalating the argument in the future.

          • NotAPenguin@kbin.social
            1 year ago

            It’s of course hypothetical, and I think, totally within reason, it’s a thread about animal abuse.
            It’s one of the problems we run into when speaking up against animal abuse, people call us extreme when we are really just being up front about what happens in reality.

            I try to keep it civil and respond matter of fact and explain but it can be hard when you get so much toxicity thrown back at you, all because you stand up against animal cruelty.

            • TheRtRevKaiser@beehaw.orgM
              1 year ago

              It’s of course hypothetical, and I think, totally within reason, it’s a thread about animal abuse.

              Hypothetical or not, I’m telling you that it’s not acceptable for this instance.

              • NotAPenguin@kbin.social
                1 year ago

                I understand you want to keep it civil here and think it’s a great goal but what you’re saying would keep us from discussing serious subjects.

                When there’s context which explains why something that sounds extreme is brought up you should look at the context, not just react to what you think is extreme.

                I don’t think disallowing thought experiments/hypotheticals is positive.

    • 0xSim@fedia.io
      1 year ago

      Yes there’s no difference between a picture of a steak and fries on a plate, and a kitten being tortured then burned alive. Absolutely the same thing.