Full Disclosure : I am not the Developer, I Just think that this app is pretty cool.
For people interested in installing it:
Current arm64-v8a apk: https://github.com/jplie/moeGramX/releases/download/beta/moeGramX-
Current armeabi-v7a apk: https://github.com/jplie/moeGramX/releases/download/beta/moeGramX-
So what’s cool or moe about this? The Github page doesn’t list any details on how this is different from Telegram X, no screenshots either.
What is ‘moe’ supposed to mean?
I was trying to work out why a program needed more of the bartender from the Simpsons in it.
I don’t know of any other Moes.There is a future funk artist called moeshop. I always thought it was a weird name. Now I wonder if ‘moe’ is some slang that im unaware of.
Yep, hence the “moe moe” album and the anime voice in Blush
It means feeling of affection, mostly used by anime weaboos: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moe_(slang)
Oh ha. Cool. That tracks! Thanks.