I initially only installed “Comodo Firewall” but for some reason they also installed a “Comodo Dragon Browser”, which I did not consent to. I always choose the “advanced” installation to uncheck bloatware, but in this case there was none and when you try to uninstall the browser, they force you to participate in their survey otherwise you won’t be able to uninstall the software…
Shit like this is what lorem ipsum is for.
Removed by mod
Exactly! In fact if on advanced addition absolute received replying throwing he. Delighted consisted newspaper of unfeeling as neglected so. Tell size come hard mrs and four fond are. Of in commanded earnestly resources it. At quitting in strictly up wandered of relation answer.
Took me over ten words to realize I’d been had. sigh
Thought I was having a stroke reading this.
That or a in depth description of your last bowel movement.
I needed a new heel for my shoe, so I decided to go to Morganville which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So, I tied an onion to my belt which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel. And in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on ‘em. ‘Give me five bees for a quarter,’ you’d say. Now, where were we? Oh, yeah! The important thing was that I had an onion on my belt which was the style at the time. They didn’t have white onions because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones.
My feedback: fuck you, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Or just fuck you with U repeating till the character limit.
Ask ChatGPT to generate long review without actually saying anything of value.
Someone made a ChatGPT lemmy bot, forgot the username though lol. Would’ve been handy to ask it…
My response would be “This must be illegal under GDPR”
What makes you think this? There’s no “Right to uninstall software”.
deleted by creator
You could fill the report with loads of sensitive personal information and then report them…
…for handling information that you volunteered?
Doesn’t matter if you volunteered it, they still have to treat it responsibly.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi dapibus id ex a elementum. Donec finibus sapien id rutrum iaculis. Nulla maximus, erat nec vulputate iaculis, leo dolor elementum lectus, eget facilisis felis sapien in ex. Sed scelerisque eget ipsum sed sollicitudin. Mauris molestie tempus ultrices. Nullam et dui aliquam, pulvinar diam vel, condimentum eros. Vivamus luctus gravida elit vitae rutrum. Phasellus maximus est bibendum turpis tincidunt, a interdum sem faucibus. Vivamus a facilisis tellus. Vestibulum cursus suscipit leo nec imperdiet. Aenean et nibh non dui semper posuere.
Praesent a lacus ipsum. Nullam sollicitudin faucibus leo. Nunc bibendum eros elit, a ullamcorper risus luctus vel. Duis maximus augue ut sem interdum, et aliquet est congue. Vestibulum porta porta sem nec elementum. Suspendisse in ante eget quam sollicitudin euismod. Donec rhoncus magna nibh. In eget venenatis massa. Proin interdum nulla turpis, ac mattis lorem tempus eu. Nulla consectetur mi vitae nunc dignissim tincidunt. Cras condimentum ante ac nisl convallis, sit amet convallis sem mattis.
Morbi erat diam, bibendum tempus mattis id, tristique at ligula. Aliquam blandit rhoncus urna, ut vulputate felis tempor vitae. Nunc dapibus leo eget pellentesque tristique. Vivamus leo eros, aliquet et aliquam vitae, vulputate non sapien. Nullam porttitor libero et pretium vehicula. Proin efficitur lacus in nulla dapibus tincidunt. Integer eu dolor felis. Nullam nec ante at arcu gravida hendrerit. In commodo, sem eu rhoncus convallis, nisl sem auctor metus, dignissim congue felis urna eu erat. Vivamus magna felis, efficitur a dui sit amet, vehicula mollis arcu. Pellentesque sit amet gravida neque, vitae vestibulum massa. Mauris venenatis nisl at tempor elementum.
Nullam vel fringilla diam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus in lacus nisi. In dictum sem mollis purus scelerisque, ac tristique tellus consectetur. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nulla quis aliquet lacus, in laoreet ligula. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi turpis magna, eleifend at nunc id, pretium posuere sapien. Integer luctus dui et neque lacinia feugiat. Aliquam justo diam, cursus quis purus vel, gravida sagittis elit. In eleifend aliquam suscipit. Donec erat eros, lacinia at cursus nec, dignissim eget augue. Vivamus volutpat eros eu faucibus tempus. Mauris porttitor risus leo, ut congue neque eleifend id. Quisque at lacinia lacus.
Suspendisse potenti. Mauris sed elementum nibh. Sed quam leo, mollis et ipsum sit amet, porttitor rutrum ligula. Nulla erat lectus, pulvinar a ornare vitae, tempor sit amet mi. Nulla aliquam quam a turpis laoreet bibendum. Donec interdum sit amet diam sit amet consectetur. Curabitur in lorem volutpat, maximus enim eu, pretium nisi. Cras eu felis orci. Mauris tincidunt, neque non gravida ornare, dui felis tincidunt purus, sed imperdiet ipsum quam sed mauris. Sed velit erat, dapibus a finibus et, euismod eget sapien. Aenean ac nibh eget est consectetur volutpat ut vel est. Integer et pharetra tellus. In mattis felis nec tempor eleifend. Nam condimentum et sem a lacinia.
If anyone’s wondering. The text above is actually a placeholder commonly known as “Lorem Ipsum” and is used in the design and typesetting industry. It doesn’t have a specific meaning or translation because it consists of scrambled Latin words and doesn’t form coherent sentences.
the original copypasta
Go fuck yourselves you cunts:)
Is 30 characters
This is the moment where you paste in some porn fanfic.
hagrid / sorting hat is my personal favorite
Link please
Tags: mpreg, gore, scat, every other cursed tag
“UwU What’s this!?” full copypasta
Why did i look this up, why did i
30 characters.
Time to introduce them to 'lil Bobby Tables
“Fuck you” four times
Navy SEAL copy pasta.
My laptop was bundled with McAffee’s garbage software, their uninstaller DOES NOT work. They have a tool to get rid of their software on their website but the links were down and when I finally downloaded it, it didn’t fully uninstall it. Revo uninstaller wasn’t able to get rid of it either, it’s like a rootkit! I was only able to get rid of it by contacting McAffee and talking to their tech support
This is why I install a fresh Windows install anytime I get a new machine. Its super easy to do and only requires a flash drive.
Buy what about the key. Won’t someone think of the keys!
I use what they call the ‘cmd trick’ and it’s never not worked.
Wtf, this sound super sketchy to me…
Many people have noted how the McAfee virus scanner itself behaves like a virus.
If they didn’t do this they could no longer exist.
Windows moment
Even Mac users can just drag it into the Trash.
Isn’t the option above “other”, “I don’t want to use it” or something along those lines? just tick that? Never found these to be that annoying. Just pick at random and be done with it.
Get yer logic outta here! This is an outrage post!
You picked “other”. Just pick any other reason. Like, the one likely saying “I didn’t want to install this”.
They’ll get a lot of “dguhvdrhhfddhcbjgfbkogdwscvbopiyrcbkitdcbjitewsfgbnkoiggvgfdxvhgvbnj”
Just mush your face into the keyboard, roll it around a bit, and submit whatever comes out.
I see you too are wise in the ways of REGEX syntax.